Hardcore hype gone?

is all the servers just completely quiet, no one playing it anymore?

I play still, But is summer now, exams and things, so …


we have around 150-200 people online in guild most of the time, more during peak and wb :slight_smile:


We had our first rainfree day yesterday yay :). Also been playing some MoP remixed to be able to die, but that gamemode is just insanely op, no way you can die levelling

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Yes, almost same here - threatening cloud, no drips! I was weeding and celebrating midsummer :slight_smile:

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what server?

Nekrosh horde side

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There is a lot of activity on Stitches alliance, where did you check ?


This, been pretty busy everytime i log in

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Sadly SoD stole most players from hardcore.

But hardcore shall rise again!


SOD took the correct people from HC. Blacklist posts have been basically nonexistent since sod launched.

HC is plenty alive. I play horde on Nek´rosh and it´s boomin.


stiches aliance have a lot activity.

Quit? have you tried Stitches EU? …

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Stitches is popping.

I think both servers are fully active, maybe not so much during the day or in the morning! but at night between 20:00 and 03:00 it’s packed! on Nek rosh several guilds run MC and there is even a guild that has BWL on farm, it’s crazy!

HC feels exactly like vanilla did back in the days! hope blizzard doesn’t put a lot of runes, or a lot of boost other garbage into this wonderful world Hardcore.

The players who are on the both servers incredibly helpful! I have been missing this real vanilla wow feeling and Nek rosh / sitches, in HC meets my expectations.

Edit - It feels like the most dedicated players who really enjoy HC and vanilla are here playing that is awesome!

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Oh no :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: .i always hated when exams used to come and i could not play at all

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Infamous guild have start raid in AQ40 or is it 20? but that very cool anyway!! self just level 20s+ hehe!! have died some times! its fun and sad in same time!