Hardcore self found

why can`t there be a true hardcore self found realm for hardcore self found players only?

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There is not enough population for that and you can just toggle SSF mode in here if you want.


Yes there is enough population for this, so there must be a different reason.

No are. No are so much population for 3 realms and ¿You want more?

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Can i get a link to that statisitic?

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20 people is not enough people dude!


SSF is not to be confused with SF

May I ask why?..

Even though I play SF and love it I have never understood what SSF is ?

We already have two SOLO SELF FOUND servers (Stitches and Nek’rosh) after fresh HC launched.
*No dungeons forming
*Auction house is empty
*No one to group up with for quests



This is a lie.

not true I’ve seen several groups in Dungeons all during today.

5000+ Auctions on either side on Nek’Rosh and Stitches Horde
almost 20000 Stitches Ally.

Almost all 10 level brackets on Nek’Rosh have in excess of 50 players. Only Stitches Horde side is thin - because the streamers all left :wink:

It’s OK if you think the old HC servers are not enough populated for you or that they need a merge, but please stop saying things that anyone playing on these realms know is not true.

You sure?

Single RFC and sometimes maybe WC is called “Dungeons all day” ? lol. lmao even.

Scan of 06.12.2024 Stitches Horde
“Auctionator: Finished processing 738 items.”

I made alliance character just to test your “facts”.

Scan of 06.12.2024 Stitches Alliance
Auctionator: Starting a full scan.
Auctionator: Finished processing 2728 items.

Yea…bik nummers innit!?
2728+738=5000+ ?

That’s the bracket where you need to group for quests? TOPKEK

For ME? Like ME alone? Am I the only one that “wants” some sort of merge?
Bro, could you please share your Dealers number? That stuff is kicking hard!

People made even reddit posts with voting for merge on reddit and I’m not mentioning battle.net forum posts across EU and US.
And I’m the only one that considers merge is best option for healthy population?

In fact, I’ve seen only you and one more guy that constantly spammed against merge in EVERY post you could. Two “players” speak for whole community. LMAO!
Or maybe you’re same person with two trial accounts since I’ve never seen you both post on characters that are above 15lvl. Zoozle.

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If you were not so pathetic, you would be entertaining.

1-10 = 50+
11-20 = 50+
21-30 = 50+

get the drift :wink:

I’d not trust an addon. Or you might need an update. Numbers from today says:
Stitches: Horde 2499 - Ally 6110
Nek’rosh: Horde 3983 - Ally 15143

Also right now 5 dungeons running Nek’Rosh Alliance.

And I did NOT say

or rather I said it was OK to feel this way. But actually the part you cited is where I tell you to stop lying:

This is NOT a question of merging, clustering, closing, cloning, opening or whatever the two old HC servers. It is about not lying to people.

why you lie ?

I don’t. That’s the problem. And I do not want you or your alts scaring away possible
newcomers with your doomsaying.

yes you lie every time . Post false information. Now at 18;04 on stiches alliance 3267 items on alliance side. 60 characters at 60.

Right… well… based on your posts, it’s hard to imagine that you still possess any basic judgment about physical state of the ones around you.

True as of today

True as of today

How? Where are you looking?

There are ~18 players on Stitches EU Horde and ~23 on Nek’rosh EU Horde (made 1lvl char just for this post) as of this moment.
Where are you getting 50+ ?
Fresh? Sure!

Reason that 1-10 and 11-20 brackets are 50+ is most likely that the same players go Agane therefore numbers are constant. And don’t forget that some of the 1-10 portion are bank alts.

So, no, not catching your drift cause you’re slightly drifting away from in game numbers.

If addons is lying, how did you come to these numbers?
Did you count each item in AH manually?

Did you tho?

You type about how I feel or what I think (implying you would know) and accuse me of lying while sharing so called “fact” which do not align with situation once logged in.

Are you unable to grasp a semi-sarcastic comment that contains the underlying fact that Stitches EU (with Nek’rosh included as others have reported similar situations on the forums) has suffered a significant drop in active players? It’s now at a point where you can create a SF character and play as if it were a Solo Self-Found server—the actual topic at hand. Do you feel the need to call someone a liar simply because the information doesn’t align with your sources? If so, it’s time for you to share your sources, complete with legitimate links and actual proof, instead of relying on ‘I type, therefore I’m right!’ as your argument.


If you make an empty search in AH and scroll down it says: Items 1 - 50 (6864 total) Actual Nek’Rosh Alliance now. And Horde 4652 total. I have no reason to not trust these in-game numbers.

dont waste your time . He is a trolling. He always say date false. And post with their alt.

HC alt better than Firemaw alts :wink:

Today is December 7, I don’t think I ever told you the date before :question: :grey_question: :interrobang: