Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

My 25 Paladin died to server lag yesterday.
Gnomerenope in Redridge. My spouse could continue playing, but he saw I was dying, while I just stood still.

On my screen I had full health and was also running.

Dying to my own stupidity or others, I’m fine with. But that it’s server issues killing people, feels really unacceptable.

EU server health and population has been neglected for SO long.

What the hell are you talking about. I was not even at any place with trolls. The only troll here is yourself, grow up. I was killed by bloodsail pirates.

Blizzard knows how to ****up, everything - even HC Classic expirence

nice my char is dead, gg blizzard… should have planned and be more careful for that 5min dc

i pay for playing 24/7…

This is embarrassing for you… I unsubbed, until something is taken seriously.
I just watched half the server die… no thanks!


Finally someone said it, if we all unsub for just one month, maybe then blizzard will take this matter seriously. MAYBE

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Well, sorry, then I’m confusing myself as a player.

Lolz died by a freaking bonfire in durotar because of the lagspikes, couldntt do shieeet.
me and like 50-60 more. from low levels all the way to 60 players etc.
even got printscreen on the deathlogg.
burn baby burn i guess hahaha, lols

Same thing that happend to me, and I already posted about it:

Today I died because of serverlag (Nek’rosh - Alliance).
I heard my character getting hit, I ran … and ran … and ran …
I tried to use Bubble, I tried to use potion, I tried to use LoH … I heard the sound of LoH an nothing happened …

Best thing … I got out of combat … could use my mount … and then …

Just look at it: https: // postimg. cc/XryP0mJv
(Had to break it up, because I can’t include links …)

I am fine with dying in HC because of my own fault.
I am fine with “go agane”, If I make a mistake … but that …

280 Blacksmithing (incl. Armorsmithing) / 245 Mining
225 Cooking / 200 Fishing

What the hell is that … no warning in login screen, no servermessage … nothing …
This is legit a “quit moment” … why …

I kindly request some kind of answer according this issue.
Have to say that my will to play is broken beyond repair …

But Blizzard will do nothing and according to some simps it is “your own fault”. When I died (thursday) I didn’t even know that there were lags, when I logged in.

The situation is beyond hopeless and.


Honestly this ruins the integrity of the entire game mode. I know blizzards stance on this but here’s some points on why they need to reconsider performing rollbacks:

  • Unfairness: Server lag deaths are caused by a problem beyond the player’s control.
  • Discouragement: It’s hard to click that “try again” button when you know the same thing is likely to end your next run at any moment.

Server lag deaths undermine the integrity of a hardcore challenge in World of Warcraft. They are unfair, lack challenge, and can lead to the loss of significant progress.

This is a fantastic game mode but this undermines the entire experience. There needs to be a change in policy here.


At least put up a warning message on the login screen or launcher. It’s 2023 and communication seems non existent.


Blizzard: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Rollback seems mandatory now

This is starting to ruin the HC hype. And the poor communication doesn’t help.
A lot of ppl are gonna leave and they would be right to do so. Billion dollars company…


it’s downright stupid how we’re able to die to drowning after 10 mins of leaving the water.
you guys are so incompetent.

I can connect to the server now but my char screen is empty. Cant even check if my char died or not.

feed the damn hamster

I can see them in a team meeting…

“People are dying because of the server issues which causes massive lag spikes. We could increase capacity and make them more stable.”
“Or… we could just let as many die as possible during those spikes…”

“Yes, option B sounds good guys. Time for lunch break.”

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It’s weekend, they don’t care about customers in week days, what makes you think they’ll do something about that on weekend?

The end of Blizzard is slowly coming, it’s a just a shelf of the former self. They’re just trying to get their golden parachute and leave. Even if every unsub today they wouldn’t care and just leave with millions of your money and laugh.

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