Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

Hey {insertstreamername}, Bobby Kotick here. I’m watching your stream from my yacht. I’d like to address the lag issues on EU: we’re super excited to announce that we’ll be releasing a ressurection token on the in-game shop, so people who lost their beloved character due to lag can get it back safely for just $50. We hope you love this new game mode as much as we do!


Bro this is unacceptable for the 13eu we pay per month. If you want to service hardcore you need to ensure 99.9% uptime and an option to reroll server/backup when something bad happends on your sid (like now). You can have all kind of excuses but that is not professional.

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You know what would be great? If a vast majority of players would cancel their subscription. That would definitely get some attention, believe me.


This sounds 100% what Blizzard is like today.

Helpdesk : have you tried turning it off and on again?
Blizzard : nahw just off

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Hi jokerd, nice reading.

i do it now

they’ll tell you that you did agreed to their “we don’t care” policy on HC

And I just did a few minutes back.

I lost everything, my social life, my wife, my job… and now my lvl 12 rogue.


Well, remember that this is what happens when you replace the original DnD and programming nerds with managers having some “cool” education title from an expensive university, or stock market sharks. While the former want to improve and update the game the latter just want to cash out from it without any new invesents or responsibility.

You guys know you pressed accept to accept death to any death (they specified, lag, server outtages, DC) Skill issue git gud.

are you stupid ? its not my side issue for connectivity, their servers are on fire, ofcs it makes HUGE difference vs what you accepted, what you accepted refers to issues outside of their competence

You should not calling somebody stupit, as Maria is right, it realy say you accept death by lagg etc

Read before you scream Diabloche

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did Bob catch that cold from Toby?

Create a new char, tell me what it says on the second paragraph


Take my 13$ and buy more RAM blizzard!

i know what it says, im also aware what context it refers too

no context to be had, it says died from any circumstances, dont care about lag/DC/server falling down/hamster died. died = dead forever. Go agene or go away

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I think it’s time for Blizzard to seriously consider adding appeals.
Limit it only to when the services experience an actual failure.