[HARDCORE] Unbroken Self Found Champion vanished

I hit 60 as SSF 29 july and received the Unbroken SF Champion Buff. Next day this achievement vanished from Soul of Iron buff.
Please fix it.
Same issue on US: [HARDCORE] Unbroken Self Found Champion


Bump, have similar problem - as SF hits 60 2 days ago. Unbroken SF Champion Buff just doesn’t shows up at all.

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Bliz doesn’t read the eu forums, you need to make an ingame ticket and hope a GM can fix it in a reasonable amount of time :slight_smile:

Bump, same issue, Unbroken SF buff wont show ;/

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It’s a known bug which blizzard Activision’s is not doing anything to fix

I am growing impatient with this issue.
Can we get some feedback, please?


You have my seal of approval

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Please blizzard fix this issue!
People put their time in a SF character and should be rewarded with this buff.
Its not right that you have “game mode” where you dont get the reward for it.
And lvling SF char takes time.


Speak to Apprentice Watcher, remove Soul of Iron buff, then turn on afain Soul of Iron and it now works! Thanks!

well activison dont own blizzard for a while now.