Harpies descend from Aviana, in the same fashion as other races descend from other Ancients (Furbolgs from Ursoc, Quilboars from Agamaggan, etc). So as far as we know they have no connection to Elves whatsoever.
The language thing is probably not canon for most of the monster races (especially if the notion comes from the RPG books). I assume they just speak in Broken Common, if they can speak at all…
Even among the main races is difficult to explain, like for example how the Orcs could immediately talk at all with Darkspear Trolls and Tauren…
it would be cool if the Harpies learned Darnassian because some Night Elves specifically taught them though. Also Harpies are known to eat the males of other races after reproduction ( they like mainly Orcs, Trolls and Humans), so that would be a plus for Night Elves after all…
Nah it comes from Legends Vol. 2, which is considered canon I think ? And yes Harpies can speak, many do in the game.
Anyway yep everything related to language in Warcraft is pretty shaky so I wouldn’t draw strong conclusions from that. Harpies do bear other similarities with Highborne though, their heavy use of magic, their appearance… The similarity is officially acknowledged since the ingame theory about them was that they were cursed servants of Azshara.
But then the question would rather be, why does Aviana look like an Elf in the first place