Harronir, but we couldve gotten Satyrs/Fauns/Nymphs

Shades of grey has been used for the alliance since the start to justify horde behaviour.

The Orcs invade Azeroth because they’re effectively high on pit lord pixie dust. The Alliance put them in camps for no practicable reason other than to do something bad.

Garrosh invades night elf land. The Alliance kill some tauren in the Barrens (i think.)

All of Garrosh’s stuff in pandaland. The Alliance commander kills some orcs drowning.

this has nothing to do with the topic. gtfo

Come back when you’re a mod.


im back. reported for trolling. Enjoy

And you play a nightelf that appears to think she´s a forsaken… Just in case you haven´t noticed yet, it´s a fantasy RPG and most people aren´t RPing as their RL selves.

But just for the record, I have chars of all classes and races, this is merely the one I decide to post on the forums on… So, please, what is your point exactly?

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it was a sarcastic comment context being everyone hating on gnomes. Chillout , Diogenes.

And that is exactly why I asked as your intent was not clear, because sarcasm often doesn´t convey well without tone of voice and otehr inflection, which is exactly why many (but in no way all) eventuiually started adding an “/s” after such a remark, just to be sure.

But, of course, merely asking for clarification and not immediately flying off the handle means that I must somehow be angry and that I need to chill out. And that baseless assumption then in turn warrants a condescending remark, because if I´m for some reasson not already angry, now is the time to attempt to change that. And just for the record, you failed, because I´m still not angry. But I’m not going to waste any more of my time attempting to have a normal discussion with you, either. :man_facepalming:

Generally in favour of more options for players, and we’ve taken in a few half- and full demons already. What’s a few more?

Demon Hunters getting twitchy somewhere right now.

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