Has anyone got access to the alpha yet?

Just reroll now. Those of us who’ve played shaman for years and years know what’s going to happen. They’ll keep enhancement crap for most of the time, accidentally make them good, realise their mistake and make them crap again for years. The whole shaman class (all three specs) needs a complete makeover, I mean they have a capstone talent which makes a spell instant and mana free, yeah a single spell… carry over from the old talent system, it’s a joke when you compare what other classes have.


I dont mind if I not get alpha invite.

But wonder what look like get TWW’s invite? Battle.net’s message or email?

You’ll get an email. But most likely if your account’s been flagged you might see it in the dropdown before you see the email.

I’ll stick with shaman. It’s the only class besides druid that I ever really enjoyed in the game, and I did the druid thing for enough years to have needed a change.

I do find the lack of attention given to shamans a little concerning. Most classes had their first tier sets for TWW revealed, there have been announcements for class reworks/changes for most classes this week, most classes had two or all of their hero talent options shown … except shaman. The silence is eerie.

Im giving them a chance, then decide after.

For me, enha drifted far away from melee spec. My hardest hitting ability as a melee is a charged up ranged spell, not a melee skill. What a joke.

Im feeling like a close ranged elemental shaman.

I was personally more of the fan of legion and bfa version of enhancement. Boulderfist, hailstrom and ect. But in SL they changed back and left only stormbringer and crashing storm here…

Yeah, wonder who is in charge for shamans. Alpha just went live and enhancement has 0 hero talent for testing…

As an ex-shaman main if enhancements history is anything to go by, best case scenario it’ll be good for 2 weeks then get buried and left buried for the rest of the expansion.

I’d do anything for Cataclysm enhancement back.

Personally i didnt like it that version, but each of their own.

I’ve never had a notice for Alpha, it’s just something that appears on my launcher.

Alpha tends to be a lot smaller than beta. There isn’t a huge amount to test and it’s always VERY buggy.


Sent new invites yet? Still need! :point_left: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Mass sent invites today! Where is my alpha?