I thought it was trash so destroyed it… Oooops
Yeah, cant restore it either.
I thought it was trash so destroyed it… Oooops
Yeah, cant restore it either.
Truthfully, I have no idea! With revamps of revamps and not doing dungeons much, I am entirely lost on this lol. Just happy to have old SM back
My pleasure! I hope you’ll get it quickly, I wish you a lot of fun mog hunting as well
Yep I did. I actually got it only after activating the 4 debuffs - there is no evidence to suggest this is actually why just mentioning it. Got the key and went over to the old dungeons.
Got it on my second try, with my Forsaken Priest.
Thank you.
This sounds interesting.
Is the unlock Account Wide?
Yep unlocks for all alts.
A bit offtopic maybe, but removing old stuff like this always bothered me so much.
I’m really happy that Blizz is putting so much back that was removed.
ooh, thanks, just bought a key on AH for 3200 gold Enjoyed the old Scholo a lot so this will be a treat ^^
Yeah, it’s great.
The removal felt like the first season of living world for GW2, which just burned you out due to the entire thing being fomo.
Least they added most of the important parts back for the steam release.
Also why i can’t play Destiny…
Funny thing is that doing a little song and dance to unlock removed stuff have been good endorphine rushes for me that if everything just gets gradually added back in such a manner, I’m not even going to be mad about it being removed to begin with.
I never played living world events in GW2, the way s1 occurred (watching from afar) seemed like an experiment that didn’t pan out like they wanted.
Its a high dropchance from the HM box. Arfus however is worse got it after som 50 HM kills all curses on as im not sure it gives a better chance to drop or not
Ok so I learned this today. Apparently sometime in Legion or WoD Blizzard added a vendor in Darkmoon fair, you need the Scarlet crusade tabard equiped (not moged, the actual item) and it sells the cropped version of the tabard for 10k as well as the old Scarlet crusade ensemble for both plate and mail that cost 25k each.
Aha! Thank you for the clarification . While I appreciate that gesture from Blizzard, this is much better!
Just found this on Wowheads
Hahhaa, that is so relatable
Sorry if someone already mentioned this, but you can get extra Scarlet Keys from Arcanist Doan in the old SM library wing, it’s in a small chest after you defeat him.
Loving them bringing back old dungeons and raids, transmogs etc by the way. Hoping to see more in the future!
got the key from the chest after using my 1st to unlock the old dungeons
I didn’t know about that yet, that is so great! Thank you for the info
Best classic dungeon