It is supposed to be fixed and is rated positive according to steam. By concept it should be a light MMO, but there are no dungeons, no raids, no PVP. There is even no text chat. Once you are done with story quests, all you are left is with daily quests and that is it. If you want to get actually a good gear, you are going to deal with: RnG on top of RnG on top of RnG on top of RnG. That mean your BiS chance will be ~0.000005%. On top of that they are asking $13 a month, just so that you would gain full access to all the features. How can something like be fixed and be “Good” game?
You can play without Fallout First subscription. I played when it released and it was complete joke. Now they added NPCs so it could look like a standard Fallout game so actual Fallout players can enjoy it more (depending how through they went with NPCs; if it’s shallow then it will burn out). I hope Wastelanders are separate from everything that existed (item duplication, bug abuse etc.).
Even if they make it a decent online Fallout game they still have severely damaged brand.
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