Has one of the Alch weekly quests disappeared?

There’s usually 2 weekly Alchemy quests for Knowledge points, one from the trainer in Valdrakken and one from one of the NPCs close to the place where you can put in a crafting order. But this week, I can only find one of them, the one from the trainer. Has the other one disappeared?

This week alchemy quest takes place in Zaralek caverns. Did you unlock that place by doing the campaign quests?

Oh. That explains it. I quit in early DF and returned with the launch of season 3 / emerald dream, so I never did Zaralek.

Guess I’ll just lose out on 3 knowledge points this week. Cba doing the campaign just to get 3 points.

You dont need to do whole campaign, only few quests until you get to main city. Takes 10-15 min and there is also 3 one-time treasures giving 9 knowledge points.

Oh okay, thanks!

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