Has the timewalking bug been fixed yet?

Or are we gonna go a week without it getting fixed, effectively wasting the TW event?

I’m too afraid to try. :slight_smile: Mixed reports on the NA forums and Wowhead. Some people say it worked for them, others said they still got non-scaled rewards.

Yes it has been fixed. I tested on both my Priest and this monk and both got 493 items. DoTI has been fixed and you only get 493 on Hard Mode.

Yes, got 502 boots off it. :slight_smile:

No, just got a token again.

What was fixed exactly? Didn’t they say hard mode will drop heroic track items (506 I assume)?

Post is on Wowhead, but normal mode was dropping 493 gear and was not supposed to and got hot fixed instantly (unlike TW cache). Not sure about 506 gear but I got 493 wrists from hard mode and upgraded it to 502. Max is 515 but did not have the correct currencies for now.

It is not fixed yet. It works only for some people. A friend of mine literally got a 441 CURIO, 15 minutes ago.

Got a awakened ring of ilvl 499 from it.
So no issues for me.

After last night’s post from the blue, I turned in my TW quest. Got a 502 staff (bad stats, but I can’t complain!), so it worked for me.