Guild & Server: Avalanche - Draenor
Language: English *
Raid Times/Days:* Wednesday/Sunday 21:00-23:30 (Server time)
Current Progression: 8/8 Heroic, 0/8 Mythic.
Recruitment Contacts: Via Discord or Battlenet (MrBobslay#2939), (Btag: Howlingstar#2571 / Discord: goatmancer_slippygoat ) or (Disc: lee_budm
Application:* Via Discord or Battlenet (MrBobslay#2939), (Btag: Howlingstar#2571 / Discord: goatmancer_slippygoat ) or (Disc: lee_budm
Requirements: High levels of attendance, mature, willingness to work as a group and improve together. Needs: We are currently in need of a main spec Healer. Mistweaver, Preservation or Restoration Druid is preferred and will have priority. We are also looking for a handful of DPS to bolster our roster and begin our journey into Mythic. Windwalker Monk, Rogue and Shadowpriest will have priority.
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