Have I been spoilt as a NELF monk?

Just takes practice. Once you get a hang of balancing self-heal and burst damage, and learn what cool-downs to keep available to protect yourself, you’ll find it’s easy to level through open-world PvE. I levelled my main as Prot and my Alt as Ret and honestly I’d say that you should level as Ret if you can.

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Shadowmeld is amazing during leveling and monks have a lot of mobility. You can easily run in and out and reset everything everytime you get overwhelmed.
With Draenei paladin you simply cannot do that. You have to be a lot more careful. It really is just a change in class/race combo that makes your experience so different imo.

Forgot to mention above,but if you level as prot you can not be dismounted while riding thru enemies .
In-fact you have to be quite silly to level as dps if your class have tank spec :stuck_out_tongue:


It also has invulnerability bubbles, a shield that blows the crap out of anything that hits it, powerful AOE, and the incredibly hard hitting Templar’s Verdict. But yes, I’m sure it’s just their flash heal.

This is enough to make me really consider it.
I’ll have a look at prot spec today. I guess if I’m well aware it’ll take me longer to kill things, then I won’t mind so much. alongside that, I tend to build things as I prefer so maybe if I try to stack haste, and look for more damaging bits in prot it might work out?

I’ll have a good look at it.

I’ll check my looms as well. I went off of a recommendation… probably should have learnt it myself but I was feeling impatient. I am learning the class as I go along. what works and what doesn’t. one thing I struggle with is trying to get divine storm to work. because I play with a gamepad and there are 3 separate HP generating abilities, I have to have the timing right in my macros and if I want to drop a different move in there, it throws everything way out. I may have to change my strategy to use one energy generation macro and then separate out hand of reckoning and divine storm.

It’s tough because I don’t want to confuse myself when I go back to playing my monk, I want to keep the general flavour of moves and rhythm in the same general places.

I think it was 8.1 because I recall being in northrend and being annoyed that they were patching in an xp boost for that area soon.
This was a new account though, I have levelled many characters previously but lost my account. I think I have had a lot of experience levelling a monk so I guess I was more used to it? haven’t levelled any other class prior to 7.3.


Bubbles are pretty poop though in PvE with a way too big cd. Rogues cloak and shadow is the same with under a half CD. Plus vial is way better then any pally heal, and leach and way more movement. And the shield that “blows everything up” is 100k damage every 2 mins, not even a 1k dps increase lol. For PvE none of the above warrants a bulky, plate wearing champion of light, being far squishier then any other leather class lol.

Look at the state of ret, last time I checked 1 ret in the top 1300 keys. Out of 4000 dps classes there’s 1, that’s a huge issue. And it’s purely down to aweful survivability. Yeah they wreck in arenas, with short games to inflate them skills.

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Fist of fury :joy:

That was nerfed in WoD? It no longer stuns

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I have a doubt.

I wanted to play a class that was effective, and be able to become good and comfortable and feel powerful with it, just as I do with my monk… and looking cool with all that glowy yellowness.

I wanted to feel like I remember feeling back in tbc and wotlk, like an unstoppable force of light, justice, redemption etc.

Maybe I should just accept that as I am on my main, I am already pretty kickass. Maybe I don’t need to be all glowy yellow to be impressive…

Truer words have never been spoken fellow kaldorei lover :kiss: :heart_eyes: :elf:‍♂

You just described Havoc DH. Easy to play, easy to master, more survivable than cockroach, more tanky CDs than some tank specs despite being (in theory) DPS, has utility spells for everything, and mobile like monkey on coffee. And can only be blood elf/night elf, which might be of interest to you. Their glow effects are rather yellowish green, though.

I suppose it’s the oposite of what I want though. to be honest, I have tried DH and it was interesting, but I found it was very technical and I couldn’t keep up. of course, I could learn and get to grips with it, but it doesn’t fit my personality.
Paladin fits me because I have a strong sense of personal justice. Monk fits me because I am peace loving and I value balance. rogue fits me because I can be quite sneaky and nasty on occasion. druid fits me because I value transformation and I love nature. I can’t see a fit with DH though. I can’t relate to what it represents.

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When did you level your monk? Since the full scaling was put in it combat is much harder because you can’t outlevel the enemies and quests.

Try levelling a Mage once Arcane becomes less effective at lvl 90+. It’s not a great time.


If you seek to play something based on how you feel about that class fantasy, then boy/girl are you playing the wrong game… :smiley:

I would advise to try out several characters and stick to what mechanically suits you most. Chances are that eventually you will want to have alts, so win-win.

Out of curiosity, just what the heck did you DO to find DH “technical”? It’s “3 abilities on CD, Chaos Strike if you can, Demon Bite if you can’t” roflstomping machine :smiley:

I wish I could remember. maybe it was simply a matter of me being too lazy to macro it out and keybind it properly? :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re talking about Havoc DH, not rocket science :rofl: 3 “cooldown” buttons for Blade Dance, Immolation Aura, Eye Beam - those you cast pretty much on CD. 2 more for “spammy” abilities - Demon Bite to get Fury, Chaos Strike to spend it. Big fat cd Metamorphosis, 6th. Interrupt 7th. Defensives & AoE stun and maybe you get 10 of which only 5 is really used :smiley:

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OK well I’ve been playing about and really getting in some deep thought about tactics and examining what I can and can’t do. played a druid for most of yesterday too and loving it so much. throughout doing that I have broken some habits and developed new types of macros and play styles and contingency tactics etc.

I recognise now that the key to paladin is that you are supposed to be able to stand your ground with shields and heals and maintaining your position. I remember now, as a paladin you’re not meant to run away.

so now I’ve adjusted my approach from using one long macro to using a ‘builder’ macro and a ‘unleash’ button. one for single target and one for multi target.
must say it is working really rather well.
especially after playing feral drood for a while and juggling that about, I’ve reorganised my interface just a little across the board to allow for different macros dependent on stance. it’s going pretty well.

I must say, I really appreciate all your feedback and support and it has really helped me to adjust my play and I’m feeling pretty strong as a paladin now.

yes I was spoiled as a NELF monk and that had cause me to settle. I just needed to get out of that mindset.

I’m surprised too how I can learn to understand what i can do… I was just challenged to a duel by a level 80 paladin and I almost beat them XD ( I just reached level 60)

hold on… does the game now scale your levels during duels? :sweat_smile:

As someone who changed from paladin to monk, too, I can tell you paladin is sooo sluggish. I always feel like I’m running through a swamp. :rofl:

I have a lvl 120 ret pala alt at ilvl 445ish, and she does nice golden sparkly damage. I was levelling another paladin from scratch, though, and I found that levelling as holy was more fun and I could survive better at earlier levels. Not sure how it’s after lvl 90. Once you’re in range of northrend professions, I recommend engineering for the belt boost. It helps with the sluggishness. Unless there’s a fuel leak. :grimacing:

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On retail, Paladins are essentially faceroll but that’s with gear.
Gear at low level = looms
Gear at max level = 445ish? Easier before then too.

In SL they’re a lot more difficult, or at least I find it so, they take too much damage. Prot is a lot easier, albeit slower.