Have I been spoilt as a NELF monk?

I’m levelling a draenei paladin for a change and I’m really struggling with it.
I can’t seem to hit as hard and I seem to be really squishy too.
I’m pretty sure I’m not stupid and doing it all completely wrong… but I have died way more than I’m used to.
Most frustrating part is when I get attacked by too many mobs. I literally can’t run away. I can’t seem to do anything except hope and pray. I have a bubble sure, but that’s pretty useless because it doesn’t matter where I run, there are mobs everywhere.
Normally if I’m in trouble with my nelf monk, I just run to a corner and shadowmeld. then I’m fine. but without that, I’m literally screwed.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, I am getting crazy frustrated and I’m resisting the urge to break something .

I thought paladins were supposed to be hardy and powerful. I feel like I’ wearing paper and my hits are so slow. what is it with this awful GCD??? I’d like to get some haste, but not a single piece of gear I get seems to have it.

Edit: I’m at level 55

this is my toon in case anyone wants to look at my prof and tell me i got everything backwards

Ability to reset combat is invaluable in any sort of content except, maybe raiding you used to be able to make a mistake and then just reset it but most of the classes/races do not have this quality of life. It’s a learning curve you have to estimate how much you can take on before taking actions.

Also there is some tricks that might help you escape when you overpull like infamous bubblehearth - when you use bubble then heartstone or use a goblin glider and elevations to cover long distances and leash the mobs.

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bubblehearth sounds good, depending on which is furthest, graveyard or inn.
im in darkshore so i dont think i have good hearth options.

thanks for the tips. maybe i just have to remove the idea of escape from my repertoir

its even more frustrating when im mounted and running past a group of mobs and then get knocked off.

The obvious thing is to draw the mobs to you, not go to them and don’t move when fighting them, oh and level in dungeons not questing if possible.

Ride ROUND them not through them.

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yeah ive been doing that a lot. i recognised that necessity quite quickly. its more an issue when im in a place with lots of walls where i cant necessarily see all the mobs and have to take the risk of one being in a blind spot. ruined auberdine was absolute hell.

the running around them, also a good tip, but i had to run through the high elf ruins to get to shatterspear village or whatever its called.
i suppose i have to accept im going to have to do things the really slow way now i have no true escape strategy except for bubblehearth

There is a toy that gives you a flight point in every zone in 1-60 zones, one for each continent. But it’s 5k gold. Also don’t forget once you reach the max level for your heirlooms they lose their +experience bonus.

Just keep to the roads when riding, at 60 you can get flying so you can bypass the mobs. Flying mounts are account wide so you don’t need to buy any, just the skill.

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yeah I do miss flying in azeroth…

I honestly do think I have been spoiled. I don’t remember this stuff but I think maybe I already knew it. I haven’t played Paladin since MoP came out and I got Monk. you’d think I would know what to expect, I played my Belf pala for 6 years on and off… :sweat_smile:

To be honest, I think everyone feels the same if they’ve played a main for so long and then try an alt. I’ve mained this Hunter since I started in WoW about 12-13 years ago and hardly touch my alts but when I do…chaos ensues because I can’t run through multiple packs and Feign Death or solo harder content. I feel much weaker but I think it’s more to do with unfamiliarity with other classes rather than the class being weaker as an entirety.

Persevere! I’m sure you’ll get better as things progress. :slight_smile:


Well, you’re not in tank spec so there’s your problem. :wink:


It realy all comes down to times.
U are leveling your paladin now, when were you leveling your monk? I think it was in 7.3 where they messed around with world content and leveling, and man i gotta tell you its way harder now. I leveled few characters since and its realy dificult with some specs even if u do things right. Also, tanks specs are rather squishy during leveling, especialy monk, it was pain to lvl for me.

Just siffer through it, its bad till like wod/legion.

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This. I can comfortably pull 5-6 mobs just fine in Protection spec (on this character, by the way), self-heal through anything thrown at me, and just power through (it obviously does take time but it’s okay, at least it’s not a messy corpse run).

Be careful. :sun_with_face: Remember that you will get a choice to have 2 Divine Steeds. If you really need to run away but get dismounted - use that twice, watch your step, throw in your shield/racial/damaging shield (don’t stop for Flash of Light heals, not worth it until you are in the clear), and stuff should lose aggro out of range in this level bracket.


Around level 60 things may start to feel a bit smoother. You’ll get access to wake of ashes, which is a pretty powerful AOE with the added bonus of maxing out your holy power. Pretty short cd at 45 sec too.
So when you find yourself getting overwhelmed by mobs, the LF Draenei racial AOE bomb, wake of ashes and divine storm will probably disintegrate anything in the area. Not even a monk can unleash that kind of carnage. If that fails, you can always throw up a shield of vengeance and watch them kill themselves.
But yeah, Paladin can feel a little meh in beginning. Hopefully once you hit 60 things will get a little better. At the end of the day it’s all practice.


Use protection if you wanna aoe pull


You dont have too many heirlooms, I think that’s your biggest “concern”.

And the ones you do have equipped have crit. Haste is better - CS cd reduction beats few % of crit, as crit is RNGey and might or might not happen, and if it DOES, chances are it doesn’t matter anyway because any non-spender, non-Wake retri ability is a wet noodle. Also taking Blade of Wrath might be better, depending on how long it takes you to kill things.

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If you’re leveling a draenei while being used to nelf, of course that feels like a downgrade.


Paladin sucks until end game where you have a lot of haste and crit then people rage that you’re OP and forget how bad you had it until that point.

Don’t worry about your strengths right now. Focus on the fun of the spec.
Race has nothing to do with it.

Ret pally really is squishy it makes no sense. My rogue in much lower gear, is world apart from my 474 ret in full BiS lol. It’s not far off damage wise either and my rogue is not amazingly geared. Ret needs some serious love, it’s got self heals so blizz have made it squishy to compensate.

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Play as prot. Sure you do half dmg ,but you can pull four times more so it’s actually much faster.