Having to complete every quest potentitaly 8 times goes against what was promised and the spirit of warbands! (Transmog)

What was promised/talked about a lot: Complete a quest on one character. Get all the transmog. They even talked about it happening retroactively (for quests you already did). Remember the 1000s of notifications that were supposed to happen when you looked first in. It worked in Beta.
Now they backpeddled. Why? More engagment? Lets say from the 30000+ quests availabe you completed half. Its still 15k quests. Lets say a quest takes on average 10 mins. Thats 150000 mins or 2500 hours or 208 days of playtime if you play 12 hours a day. Not counting you being busy with the next expansion. Its so strange.
Now without the promised change you look at 8x 208 days. 1664 days or 4,5 years of farming only quest transmog for 12 hours a day and doing nothing else. Really values your time. Oh and dont forget about the normal mog farm + set items.

What are your thoughts on this?


Tempted to refund for a multitude of reasons but i gotta say them doing this aswell as all the other stuff is peaks dodgyness its the height of coporate slimy greediness.

The spineless devs could stand up for the players and say hey no we advertised this we promised this we developed it and now the fat cats want undo it no. Why is there no one in the entirety of this company who will respect the people who pay there salaries not one. It just constant spitting in the faces of players just empty lies and promises.

Tww is dead on arrival if the keep going back on what they said and promised. Infact if i think right in my country putting something like that in advertisements then rescinding those things advertised is illegal. So tempted take this further i got cash time but i just dont care anymore same as the devs i suppose.

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You can no longer do as many quests on a single “new” character, more like 11,000 to 12,000. That said, it clearly doesn’t take 10 minutes to complete a legacy quest with a max-level character, and you can get the Loremaster on a freshly leveled 70 character in less than 15 days of /played, while watching a TV series or something.

In any case, exaggerating by using random numbers won’t help your argument. I also don’t recall any official post from Blizzard stating that it would work that way, just a deduction the Wowhead writer made based on what was happening in the beta.

So yes, I do agree with you that it would be more convenient for lazy completionists, but at least be honest and don’t use exagerated numbers lol.

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“Respect the player’s time” Blizzard Meme.

Goes up there with “Do you not have phones??”

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When the beta version of a game/patch is better than what is released, you get evidence of the incompetence of the people calling the shots.

If this is not incompetence then the only goal here is to waste people’s time doing stuff again and again. If you aim to keep the subscriptions up, this is not the way.

Shall I send you the interview with Morgan Day? The one that was asked whether items would be added retroactively from completed quest for all armor types and he said yes?

It can’t get more official than an interview with a developer.


I too would like to see such a change become live.

You can no longer do as many quests on a single “new” character, more like 11,000 to 12,000. That said, it clearly doesn’t take 10 minutes to complete a legacy quest with a max-level character, and you can get the Loremaster on a freshly leveled 70 character in less than 15 days of /played, while watching a TV series or something.

Its currently 36000 quests on wowhead. Are there shorter quests? Sure, but there are also quest that take a lot longer thanks to droprates, lore and travel time.

In any case, exaggerating by using random numbers won’t help your argument. I also don’t recall any official post from Blizzard stating that it would work that way, just a deduction the Wowhead writer made based on what was happening in the beta.

My numbers are at least based on a timer/actual sources (wowhead). Your own numbers are just made up (15 days for loremaster etc.) . So I give your back you own advice:
“So yes, I do agree with you that it would be more convenient for lazy completionists, but at least be honest and don’t use exagerated numbers lol.”

btw. The warband quest transmog solution was mentioned in an interview. See here

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsceZpGV9-E (at 4:34)
Its no deduction, but an actual quote. Several in fact.

So Warbands as a feature is pretty much lip service then? After playing FF14 during the pandemic I and many others saw the light in terms of features that don’t waste your time merely for the sake of it. Say what you will about that game, love it or hate it, but maintaining progression regardless of class, to include item and transmog drops, is something that keeps players in that game as happy as they are. I see no reason, outside of artificial engagement padding, for blizzard to go back on not only their word, but the fundamental philosophy behind warbands in the first place; respecting the player’s time. Over and over again they repeated the same talking points of going from “character-centric design to player-centric design” and now it seems they can’t follow through. they should at least have the respect to tell us why.

I’m just so tired of this, the feature is right there, working in the beta. To take the time to work on gutting such a cool feature is telling me blizzard really don’t have a handle at all on what the players want or need.

Laughable quote to make. FF14 is a game that literally forces you to complete the entire main quest to get to current content.

Another laughable quote, you have to keep a hold of the gear you want to use for a glamour, god forbid you want more than a few (it used to be 8 but I know they added more pre-saved slots), and that’s on a game where you can be every main class, wth each class having class resticted armour as well.

I agree with the rest about WoW though, at least concerning the mess they are making of Warbands.

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Yea I forgot about that, my bad then.

There are 36,000 quests listed on wowhead, many of which are no longer available (for example, a large portion of Vanilla quests since Cataclysm, etc.), and many are also duplicates.

Not to mention the so-called breadcrumb quests, which often require either a very kind and patient friend, or simply a second account. When it comes to quest completion, this game is very unforgiving for completionists.
Between quests that are no longer available and will never be again, and those that sometimes require replaying part of a campaign while in party sync with a second account because you have to choose between two breadcrumb quests, etc…
That 36000 number is not accurate if we’re talking about what can be done by a player.

For instance, the player with the most quests completed globally has just over 21,000 quests on their account. And in case you didn’t know, this number isn’t even achievable if you start a new account today.

I quickly realized that since you clearly weren’t up to date on this topic, you haven’t accomplished much in terms of quests in the game yourself. You’re relying on a source without using it properly (if you look closely, there are filtering options on that Wowhead page, and while Wowhead is a great site, there are better ones for completionism).

The best approach is to use sites like DataForAzeroth, which provide a clear and objective view of how many quests are doable on your character (again, filters aren’t just for decoration!). You won’t get anywhere near the figure of “more than 15,000 per character.”

Yes, I base this on my own experience after completing all the game’s campaigns on multiple characters, and no, it doesn’t require “208 days of gameplay” (far from it). But is it worse to hear from someone who has actively played the game and loves questing, or from someone who hasn’t even explored it thoroughly and spent 5 minutes searching the internet?

Currently, the most time-consuming legacy quests aren’t even the ones for loot, there’s no one in the zones, and the mobs get one-shot. It’s mostly the quests with tedious mechanics, like many in Zul’Drak, that can make you spend hours in a zone, while some others can be completed in 1-2 hours.

If you’re assuming that you’re doing all the quests on a character while keeping their level capped to match the scaling of the monsters, then yes, it will indeed take a lot of time. But objectively, if the goal is to farm quests not for enjoyment but just for transmog, there’s no need to do that, and in that case, it goes extremely quickly.

I knew this topic would come up, and I’m not against it, but given the habits of this forum, it’s obvious it would be someone who’s not involved and knows nothing about it who would start a thread on this subject, speaking randomly about a topic with no credibility. Next time, we can do without it.

I’m looking forward to you trying to “complete” the game’s campaigns for the first time, it’s really interesting to do! :slight_smile:

Who is gonna tell him that you have to run a lot of BFA quests 16 times because they is different cosmetics for

  • Each armor type (Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate)
  • Each faction (Alliance, Horde)
  • With and Without the Heart of Azeroth
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I think either the blue is misinformed or it really was a bug and that guy in the interview wasn’t really sure what he was being asked. After reading the snippets, I got that impression.

I sincerely hope that either way, we get it with TWW launch and/or a dev straightens things out.

If Morgan Day himself, basically one of the top dogs at WoW, doesnt know himself, then i have bad news for them

The fact he said “What do you mean by Loremaster, the tabard?” is what hinted at it for me. It should be obvious he meant Loremaster to gather all the armour appearances from all the quests.

I mean it all makes sense because none of those Devs play the game they create

Says a lot how much they think their work is worth

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I only want class tier transmog to be unlockable on any class, the current limitations are nonsensical and cannot be excused in any way. The main raids I care about all utilize tier items rather than tokens, and they are completely unaffected by warbands.

Quest appearances should also be retroactive and warband-wide, but that gear usually looks awful sadly.

I will even give Blizzard a hand and settle for only unlocking all things on newly completed quests, even when i want retroactive.

But thats the bare minimum i will settle for, especially not after they quietly disabled this around 2 weeks before PrePatch was hitting live, ive posted my concerns when i noticed in the AllTheThings Discord but it was shrugged of by me and the others as just broken maybe.

Turns out it was not

It’s laughable, they make collecting appearances “easier,” but for a player who wants everything, it ultimately takes just as long to collect everything because they still have to run the raids, sometimes with every class, to get everything. So in the end, it’s more or less the same amount of time.

On the bright side, we’ve already seen some improvements, and with time, I hope we’ll likely see more :skull:

I’d like to extend my “congratulations” to the individual who reported that all transmog items could be obtained just by completing quests - what a brilliant move. Let this be a lesson to everyone: sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut. Clearly, Blizzard is paying attention and reading your thoughtless posts on the forums.

It’s frustrating to see so many irrelevant threads cluttering the forums, with little thought or constructive suggestions behind them. Most of these posts seem to be coming from people whining and complaining: “I want this, I want that, Blizzard”, “WoW is dead”, “Blizzard, please give us free events, free loot”, “I don’t like this, I don’t like that”. Seriously, what are you 9 year olds?