Having your cake and eating it; merc mode

I had a good old think about why Merc mode is good and why it is bad, and realised that it is helping to alleviate faction imbalance but only for those on the most populated faction. It is giving horde players the benefit of having more players in their faction AND of quick queues associated with a less populous faction.

Their are many benefits of playing on the most populous faction; more people for groups and raids, more people for social activities, more people around while leveling etc. There is arguably only one benefit of being on the less populous faction; quicker PvP queues. However we have it now that you can pick the horde and get all these benefits.

Blizz need to take the grown up decision of saying ‘You want quicker queues? Roll an alliance character’ and leave it at that. It’s not like it takes a long time to get to 60 and get vaguely decent gear so you can participate.

Also note I play both Alliance and Horde so, yeah.


It is nice to see more supporters in our cause. You know it isn’t fair for them to have access to such a system. I expect your support in the thread below. Let’s make 1 big thread together, I’ll appreciate even 1 supporting post.

im indifferent on merc mode. i like it for the fact its to reduce queue times, because no one wants to wait around all day. but also i think there should be a “penalty” for faction stacking.

idk. maybe a better implementation would be like in rbgs and arenas; where you can fight whole teams of your same faction regardless of merc.

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why not make it so:
backfill to lost games=cant happen
epics bgs always start fresh for EVERYONE
and give captcha for epics and brawls
so you cant backfill a in progress loss

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I don’t think I’ve ever joined a BG to troll the alliance, we’re all there for winning games, have you tried farming nearly 100k honor for a pvp set just via losses???

If anything alliance having 50% increased honor is a big enough penalty for horde. It’s ridiculous.

Your experience is anecdotal, the people exist who does that. I’ve been in far too many epic BGs where a Hunter/Mage/Shaman popped Ancient Hysteria/Time Warp/Heroism right out of the gate, literally.

If anything THIS IS anecdotal it happens on horde and it happens on alliance when im the only merc and it happens when there loads of mercs, its PEOPLE that do it becaue funzies.

Confirmation bias

Personally i merc primarily because i feel that horde are not verry good at objective based battlegrounds or dont care. I dont do any pve, the reason im still is horde i have my friends here.

Does Alliance Mercenary mode even exist?

And the original comment said

Some people do, that was what I was referring to instead of saying “only one side does it.”

thats def pveers or honor leechers ignoring objectives queueing there
and throwing games on purpose
even rated bgs have them
not fun at all

I see only one solution for problems with players base. This can also make more content for all players cause dev’s team will not splited to make quest etc. for both factions.

If they timewarp just before the gate opens it resets the debuff so it can be used again, that’s the whole point of it.

Did you even bother to read what I wrote?

God you are sensitive. Yes I read it, but also thought you may have not understood what was actually happening considering the rest of your post which seems to be nonsense.

Okay, you think that this makes no sense. You know have to support your claim of it being nonsense with arguments that explains the reasons you think it’s a non-sensical and emotional claim made in response to your feelings being hurt for being called out.

How can I disprove your anecdotal claims aside from saying I’ve rarely seen this, if ever, as horde or merc alliance?

Logically, if people as you say are trying to gear up via Mercenary, why on earth would they throw the games? it just makes no sense.

Excellent a proper argument I can respond to.

What you say is that I’m wrong because your experience tells you otherwise. What you express is the belief that your subjective reality is the objective reality everyone else exists in.

I never put a number on how many EBG I had seen it in, as it’s a larger problem in EBG than RaBG. “Far too many” is a subjective amount and for you, it obviously means “a lot” since you interpreted that from it from the context of your words.

For me, five out of 100 is “far too many.” For that matter, one out of 1.000.000 is still “far too many” since I have an issue with it being possible.

A way to solve this particular issue would be that if there are other people with AH/TW/Hero in the group then it’s blacked out for Mercenaries.

Okay, so once in a blue moon is worth Blizz messing about when they could be fixing something else. Random BGs are in a poor state full stop, this is the least of the worries.

Legit the best idea and a simple solution. Just allow random BGS to act the same as Rateds with red vs red/blue vs blue combat. Perfect.

Would there be much of a faction war going on, in that case? Well, apart from a couple of quest areas?
And sure, the flags and colours might still be present in the battles. But having two teams of horde in AV rushing against each other. The faction war will be about as believable (immersive I guess) as a big multinational company who starts virtue signaling. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Hvidmælk-ravencrest, post:19, topic:249103, full:true”]

Let’s be realistic though, we fight alongside each other every day in all of the content. Hell you’re rescuing Jaina, Thrall and Baine from the Maw on whatever side you’re on. I’d rather the game be more playable than worry about some lore from 20+ year ago. The Alliance v Horde style of gameplay left the game ages ago for me. I’ve not had that feeling of “For the Horde” for years.