The biggest issue with the Cooldown nowadays is just that everything that made it good got gutted to death.
Leech? Absolutely destroyed so much that it is not even noticeable anymore.
Single Target Damage? Is absolutely non existant. Back in Legion, we had proper talents to further empower our burst, having the option of lining it up with Nemesis and Chaos Blades for massive damage.
However, now in Shadowlands, on its own? Its an absolute joke. Why is Wings exactly two Minutes, has with an talent almost the same Duration but is ten times more powerful than Metamorphosis? Without First Blood, Death Sweep is not even worth using Single Target either.
Being in Metamorphosis means absolutely nothing anymore nowadays. I could understand being somewhat weaker outside of the very class defining Demon Form, but in comparance to Vengeance, where you are literally almost unkillable, Havoc Demon Hunter Metamorphosis is a half-dead mosquito trying to give you a few out of breath stings before it gives up the motor completly.
5% buffs, 3% buffs. All of that wont change the fundamental issues the Spec is facing. Why are there still absolutely dead talents like Fel Barrage, Essence Break, DESPERATE INSTINCTS, heavily nerfed Unbound Chaos???
Why was Demonic Appetite further nerfed ontop of our already heavily destroyed baseline survivability, where we on the raw tooltable have nothing else available than 20% damage reduction and 20% 8 second AoE avoidance?
The transition from BfA to Shadowlands:
Baseline Leech gone.
Blade Dance/Death Sweep gone.
Demonic Appetite nerfed.
Demonic nerfed.
Nemesis pruned, slot completly wasted by non-Legion Fel Barrage once again.
Blur damage reduction reduced to 20% from 35%.
Netherwalk CD nerfed to 3min from 2min.
Dead Talents that are NEVER picked in the form of:
Unbound Chaos
Essence Break
Desperate Instincts
Fel Barrage
Mana Break (PvP)
Demonic Origins (PvP)
Ontop of that, Detainment (PvP talent for Havoc) and Illidanâs Grasp (PvP talent for Vengeance) are both only working 50% with no fix in sight. Detainment is not stopping player-based heals like Dispersion on the target anymore and you cannot toss people with Illidanâs Grasp either.
There has been enough recommendations, suggestions, attempts to communicate. Why do you give such little of a damn about your customers? Iâd just like to point towards the Playerbase BEGGING massively for First Blood baseline since the Shadowlands Alpha, but nothing.
When I write these things and even look at them myself again, I absolutely wonder, dear Blizzard: Do you EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME?