Havoc dh or ret pally for 8.1


i want to know which spec will be better for pvp in 8.1 havoc dh or ret pally+which is easiest to get to 2100?

Demon hunter i guess but i would suggest you to try both classes and play whatever you enjoy the most .You can make a trail and try them out

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your answer about which question? easiest spec t get to 2100 or better spec( dh or ret pal) for pvp on 8.1?

Ain’t it depending on the player? :slight_smile:

they are both in absolutly different position one of them is very offensive spec, with very action playstyle and the other is hybrid between dps and support in arenas, very deffensive and very slow gameplay with very bursty dmg windows, so the question isnt what is easyer to push on 2100 but what is closer to your mind. AS ret you will very often target your spells on friendly target, enemy target and focus target as DH you will care about enemy forces and yourself only, but it doesnt mean its easyer to push.

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