Havoc dragonflight

My my, as a demonhunter player since the day we left Mardum I am really pleased in general lines with our new talent tree.
I am really happy that I can hunt another player or monster,while waiting my fodder to the flame demon proc,setting up my unbound chaos and timing my stun for a nice rounded fel barrage
I am worrying that drgaonflight will dry my corrupted demon soul more :rofl::rofl:.Good job to the team made up with these ideas,they sound so enjoyable its gonna be hard not to play my favorite illidari
Although i think the talent need some repositioning and lesser skill defragment the way it is,
Like vengefull retreat slow,
Interrupt range,
The sigil side is amazing for pvp,pve and all aspects wont dissagre.class tree is nice but the choice of demonic and origins kinda disappoints in the hack n slash them of demon hunter,
Now for the spec tree,
many nodes set eye beam the way it is now, while there are choices like fel devastion or medalion, waiting to be played,
Its perfect that we can use netherwalk alongside with leech stun snare and instincts,
I am not fun of mommentum but sure gonna try oute(if I manage to reach bottom :rofl::rofl:) which is also another thing I was a bit underwhelmed in my overwhelmingnesssss,
I think we could use lesser skill defrgmentation and more existing leggo’ choices tuned down to match the power of talent strength
This with a quick think and overlook,
Sorry for grammar aint my strong point

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