Havoc - Non interupts

Let me preface this by saying that I’m 2.9k currently on my Feral Druid and was 3.1k S4 SL HDH, not flexing, just to give you a gauge of the bracket of players I encounter currently but also referencing my past experience playing the class.

This isn’t just low rated players either and I’m not entirely having a bash, I’m more intrigued as to why.

Can I ask the DH community, why the class itself is refrained from interrupting or is it the mindset of each individual player.

EVERY HDH I’ve come across this season, and I mean EVERY one, fails to notch up any decent sort of interrupt total, so I’m trying to understand what in the rotation of a HDH causes constraint for the class to interrupt.

It’ll then better me to understand before I issue the notorious “feel free to interrupt something” when the DH has only done 1 interrupt all dungeon whilst the rest of us are breaching 20+ interrupts

Never had any issues with my HDH in S4, so curious to understand what has changed since SL to cause this?

Too busy jumping around

obviously individual player responsibility

Honest short answer is the class is alot harder to play then in SL and i would say dungeons are harder you might agree or not i dont know also you may not allways be in range to interupt. Longer answer is momentum build,frontals from adds, stuff on the ground tracking ragefire making sure you Fel Rush with Unbound Chaos up and you dont Fel Rush into any of that stuff on the ground and then as you use all your movement for dps making sure you run out of stuff on the ground early so you dont die. There is Improved Disrupt which increases the range of Disrupt to 10 yards but then you might lose out on a aoe stun extra heath which most will not want to or like to do. I would say its harder overall to play then in SL as in class and dungeon wise

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Not really an excuse, but HDH is one of the highest APM classes at the moment (I think according to raidbots, even higher than outlaw rogue which is what everyone is complaining about but dh is slept on for some reason) it also has changed a lot rotation/playstyle wise so people are probably focusing more on that and not having much space to remember things outside of it.

Going into a pack, the AoE combo has about 16 steps, all of which are in a pretty tight window to maximize on very short term buffs. Part of that rotation also has natural cc in it with sigil of misery as well as mass stun often to stop things like frontals while you’re using VR through the pack, so it might be that they are not kicking but are naturally stopping casts from CC in the first place. Momentum is also taking you all over the place which is probably putting dh out of range of their kick half the time, even if they spend a talent point into the 10yd reach.

Of course a good dh will be able to do all that and priority kick at the same time but there’s a lot of average dh’s out there as well.

The only reason for that to be the case would be when their class is marketed as the newbie-friendly easy class like hunter as well. I’m saying this as usually it’s havoc and hunters being seen that way. And there’s a reason for that.

Currently havoc is way harder but still treated like crap because people love doing that, naturally that outlook can fool people, they’ll get into the class while being new/inexperienced, the game won’t explain just how crucial interrupts are while at the same time they’ll just improve on their own or with a guide at the class over time.

Wrong habits/ways of doing things can develop when you keep doing the wrong thing with nobody to help you. And when for example they top the dps meters(which to many people is the only important thing in game and that’s seriously the wrong mindset to have but nobody’s gonna listen to that and disable dps meters :’) ) they’ll think they’re doing good enough, if not better than enough while not using any support skills whatsoever.

What can be done? No idea. Perhaps being supportive and/or helping people who seemingly need it would be nice but that won’t happen in the majority of cases. I can see certain people and how they treat anyone who made even a minor mistake, not to mention something major. It’s a bad mindset, especially towards strangers or pugs. Even my guild seems to hate pugs with a passion and treat them like less than humans but… It’s not like anyone’d listen if I said they should just stop. (I’ve tried)

One way would also be for the game to add helpful tips and tutorials, things like an improved proving grounds system, anything like either of these really, but I’ve lost hope when it comes to that. Game’s been out for almost 20 years and this hasn’t happened yet; their best effort was newcomer chat and that is honestly really flawed and not enough considering how endgame gets harder and harder with every expansion, if not patch.
There also are helpful communities that(i haven’t been a part of any such)could also help with the issue if they truly are the way they describe themselves to be but usually the ones who need the help wouldn’t be the one to seek it to begin with.

Cheers for the responses and insight.

Understand rotation and changes can imbed a need to to negate a kick, but by doing so that can potentially add pressure onto the group, which seems docile at best by the player or ignorant at worse.

Generally I’m kick focused regardless , if that means I’m 10k behind the DH but having done 300% more kicks than them then I’ve justified my 10k deficit.

Maybe i haven’t explaned it well and i myself do allways try kicking normaly call out on discord mobs and kick order help when your in a group with coms. That said its great you only lose 10K dps to focus on kicking mobs happy for you and whichever class your playing, for dh tho thats not really going to be the case and your going to end up missing out on a good bit more dps best thing i can say is you had a Dh in S4 SL level it and play for yourself see what its like now.

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