HC Grief is so annoying

Incident 10-9-24 Stiches EU
Reported Player : Funkygissle(CozyHC)
Hey ,its so annoying how paladins can grief any other player they want for whatever reasons . I was about to ding 60 on a warrior earlier today by grinding some mobs in WP’s, yet a paladin AoE killing mobs in the area and waited for respawns . Needless to say he was pissed about me killing the spawning mobs and distracted his rotation , so gathered all with his mount and run over me , and dropped threat on all . Luckily i had 2 petri flasks on me at that time and used one , so the mobs insta left me . When i asked the paladin why doing something like that …got an answer stop stealing my mobs :smiley: and insta ignored .

You might wish to consider editing out the offending player’s name, as naming and shaming is against the rules on these boards - though, that said, they seem to be very lightly moderated and possibly it won’t even be noticed? Up to you.

What you’re dealing with here is a sense of entitlement. The Paladin considered the mobs to be ‘his mobs’ and you an unwelcome interloper trespassing on his territory stealing his property.

This is a laughable mindset in a multiplayer game, but sadly it’s a very easy mindset to fall into. I’ve fallen foul of it myself in the past when getting a really good farm going - farming motes in TBC or whatever - and some random comes along and starts farming the same mobs, causing me to feel frustrated, and that sense of entitlement starts to rear it’s head. I don’t think anyone is exempt, it’s human nature.

The difference is I’m not a jerk about it, and if it’s a problem I just move on to another spot. Your Paladin clearly WAS a jerk about it.

Training mobs onto other players is actually against the game’s rules, and can technically lead to a ban - it’s definitely reportable - but again I’m dubious about whether or not it would even be worth it, or any action taken, since we no longer have human GMs.

This post is pointless.
Post evidence of this on the Stitches discord and the player will probably be removed from the guild in a swift manner.


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