HC raids are not even worth it anymore

See title.
Alright, so some people farmed the first enemies in the entrance for threads
now all the raid mobs across all the instances have been nerfed to barely drop any threads at all. groups now avoid clearing mobs to just rush.
i was doing my SOO HC daily today and when you get to ogrimmar, none of the mobs in the entire city dropped a single thread for me. all we get now are the 5 threads per boss which is way less to what you can get by farming cranes or whatever its popular now.
i dont understand why blizzard wants to make the fun gamemode as less fun as possible

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gear upgrades are more valuable then threads. Just sayin. Raids are still the best source to get bronze

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How many bronze one heroic/mythic raid even gains you? 10-20k bronze for HC SoO? or less/more?

HC SOO is 20k cca
all HC + SOO normal is around 70k total