Is there any particular reason why these cannot be on retail too? I’d guess the client could even access them without re-downloading / copying them from the classic folder?
There’s a ton of transmogs that would work so much better with some newer pieces if we had these on retail.
I just want the Glyph of Crystalized Starlight from SoD as a replacement / alternative for Glyph of Stars.
It’d be such a no-brainer.
Are you sure the ‘HD’ ones are not already in the retail client?
The way the assets work now it’s all one big database between wow versions; it downloads the differences. That’s why you don’t need to re-download the whole game when you have retail installed. If they are not already on retail it should mean downloading a little bit more if you don’t have classic. If you had classic nothing!
That isn’t how it works for the upscaled version of items, but surely it wouldn’t be a big deal to implement that. Currently in Cata, old and upscaled HD textures are a toggle. If you compare the equipment appearances of Cata HD version to retail version - for example items from vanilla / tbc zones, there’s a huge difference.
Bump, hopefully this makes it to retail. Please!!
I checked it out in Classic and yes, it looks really good. Let’s hope it comes to Retail soon!
What he says is correct. WOW doesn’t have a Retail and Classic separate folders. If you check both folders both folders are actually a few MB in size (excluding addons and player’s addon data) with just the game exe and nothing more.
The whole data is stored on a big folder that contains any file neccesary for Classic, Retail, Classic Era, PTR, Betas, etc. The exes have a database of files used to extract from that sharedfolder everything needed. That way when one file is shared among multiple clients the game doesn’t need to keep duplicated files.
This was made initially for PTR and Betas so people only need to download new files without duplicating all the GB of Retail data but eventually it was expanded to Classic, I think it was during Classic TBC
Just check your wow folders. Retail and Classic folders only have the exe, a few files more, and player’s files (addons, cache, addons’ player savedfiles, etc). Then you have the big folder called Data with folders for every version that it is only a few MC in size with the version files Database and then in the folder Data\Indices are every asset from every client combined. Even files that have the same name on two cliens but with different content are mixed. Clients know what file they should use thanks to their database
Thanks for the paragraph but I know very well how it works. I’ve worked with those assets for quite a while, and the confusion arises where “Someoneelse” points out that these in fact are already “in retail client” meaning the client would be able to access them if Blizz put the toggle option to Interface settings on retail. See my response saying it surely wouldn’t be a big deal implementing that toggle so we can have them on retail.
If it does probably when classic moves to MoP.