[H][Draenor] Hpala LF casual hc raiding guild

Holy paladin main looking for an active, well organized heroic raiding guild that raids 2-4 times/week, 20-22 server time (+/-30 min on both starting and ending time acceptable.

I am not that flexible to what class and spec I play, as I don’t have the time nor energy to keep up alts/offspecs to a sufficient skill level. I prefer to focus my time on improving my gameplay on my holy paladin. My alts and off spec are for fun and professions.

Guild m+ events would also be appreciated, as would guildies with an interest in achievement hunting be :slight_smile:

My username on discord is hadit, contact me there for a chat.

I am still looking for a guild :slight_smile:

I’d prefer it to be a raiding guild, but that raiding would not be the only focus. An active guild with diverse players interested in multiple activities would be ideal.

Mature & family friendly with zero tolerance for hateful, bigoted behavior are also qualities I am looking for in a guild.

Hi Nuit,

If you would be willing to server transfer, perhaps we could offer you what you’re looking for. If you’d like to discuss, please DM @stinkymike on Discord and we can see!