[H][Draenor] Hpala LF raiding guild

Holy paladin main looking for a casual/semi hardcore raiding guild that raids 2-4 times/week, 20-22 server time (+/-30 min on both starting and ending time acceptable). I would prefer not to transfer servers, but if the perfect guild is found I can consider that option as well.

I’m looking for a guild that is well organized with clearly stated rules and expectations of their raiders. With friendly and diverse members, who are straightforward about giving feedback. It would be ideal (but not a must) if there’s two raiding teams, one for mythic raiding and one for hc so those that does not make the mythic raiding team still get to raid and practice their skills for a better chance on improving.

Guild m+ events would also be appreciated.

I am not that flexible to what class and spec I play, as I don’t have the time nor energy to keep up alts/offspecs to a sufficient skill level. I prefer to focus my time on improving my gameplay on my holy paladin. My alts and off spec are for fun and professions.