[H][Draenor] LF casual guild to raid

Hey! The guild I’m looking for I want to be a chill one that is doing at max just HC Sanctum of Domination and mythic+ dungeons…In 9.0 I’ve played DHV and complete Castel Nathria HC… but for 9.1 I would like to play DHH…still open for tanking if is need it…So if you are one of this guilds let me now!

Heya Frostytank,

if a faction- and realmchange is an option for you, maybe you could consider Synfull on Dragonblight EU. Check us out on www(dot)synfull-guild(dot)com, and if you’re interested feel free to add me on Bnet; armandgrtn#2625.

Best regards,



We’re a casual raiding guild aiming to get AOTC on each tier.
on Ragnaros EU is recruiting. Currently 3/10HC meanwhile we’re looking for more members to fill up our raid groups.

Raid Times are: Thurs: 20:30 - 23:00 ST & Sunday 21:00 - 23:30 ST

Outside of raid we are doing some m+ and play other games together. Aswell just sitting in disc having a laugh

If interested give me a shout on disc or Bnet:
Disc: Zainted#7222
Bnet: Zainted#11213

Hi Frostytank

You can add me on Battle net so we can have a chat Antionette#2766

Hi mate, if your still looking for a place to call home in a chilled out adult environment then you sound like you will fit in with the marmots - we are on EU-Draenor: