[H][Draenor] LF casual guild to raid

Hey all!
Warlock destro/affliction returned after quitting in april because of guild disbanding is looking for a chill and friendly casual guild to raid, do mythic+ and have fun in game. Right now I am ilvl210(changed from DH to warlock but trying my best to gear up fast) with CN normal/heroic 10/10 and SOD 0/0. I’m not looking forword to mythic raiding…My goal is clearing HC and have fun doing other stuff in the game…
For more questions pls add me :
Bnet: frost#28825
Discord: ELhondro#0705


Is faction/realm change, or re-rolling something you’d consider?
If so, would you like to add me to chat?
Discord: xWestie9361
Bnet: Westie#2496

still looking

Hi there!

If realm and faction change is an option Order of the Silver Dawn on Arathor is recruiting, we’re at 7/10 HC, 10/10 N. We also have an active Mythic + scene and do a regular Mythic + event monthly.

Here’s my recruitment post if you want a closer look, and i’ll add you on battlenet for a chat :slight_smile:

Best of luck in finding your new guild :smiley:

thx if it was more cheap I was not having a problem for doing it! Thx a again for the chat!