Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

… Wait, you mean that wacky AD event campaign in late WoD is now… canon?

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At the end of the Mag’har recruitment quest, you can see some Botani and Saberon running off in the direction of the Northern Barrens.

So they’re (presumably) around but nothing ever came of it lore-wise, at least.


Seems like the sort of thing that could have been touched on in the Exploring Kalimdor book. Ah well.


I’m not sure of how derply they’ve dipped into it but Stormwind sure still has that everbloom vine problem.

(Wrote derply instead of deeply and I regret nothing.)

Azeroth is incredibly geologically unstable following the sundering, deathwing’s shattering and Sargeras’ sword piercing the world. This is to say nothing of continued boreworms, goblin fracking and old god parasites like Iso’rath burrowing through the land.

A good portion of earthen ring geomancers work with the earth elementals around the clock in a an effort to prevent random quakes and tsunamis. It’s thankless but it needs to be done.


Probably just trying to fill in those enormous holes left behind by the worms, diggers and stuff.

so basically, the next time there’s an earthquake / tsunami we can all blame the earthen ring, yes? got it :nail_care:


Earthen Ring = Horde-turned-neutral = mostly Horde races = earthquake is fault of not fixing by not-Horde-but-mostly-Horde-race Earthen Shaman.

Aka, everytime a earthquake or tsunami hits, it’s the Horde’s fault.


When will the wars of Horde aggression end?


Never. Edgy lightning strike there must always be a PvP mode.

But also some headcanon time.

The full and proper name of the kingdoms and capitals of man are as follows, Stormwind not included because it got its own entry.

Stromgarde - Kingdom of Arathor.
Lordain City - Kingdom of Lordaeron.
Dalaran - City-State of Dalaran.
Boralus - Kul Tiran Commonwealth.
Aderic City - Kingdom of Gilneas.
Alterac City - Alteraci National State.

Why? I never liked capitals and kingdoms sharing a name, some, like the Admiralty of Kul Tiras, I just find boring and a bit nonsensical.

Alterac ceased to be a monarchy after the Perenoldes were overthrown and the national state was formed in its place with a focus on the national identity of Alterac due to the national stain left behind on Alterac’s legacy due to the treason of its monarchy and nobility.


Gods you must hate Mexico-City in Mexico then! :stuck_out_tongue:

But joking aside:

While I disagree with you about the Admirality of Kul Tiras(I think its a cool name, unlike Commonwealth, which is overused anyways)

Lordain City as Capital Citiy’s true name… I’m game for it!

this, but unironically, same with alterac

I almost want to say Alterac City is named some variation of Trollbane / Ignaeus City and say it was originally the capital of the Alteraci Tribe before the Trollbanes became kings of Arathor. Because it would probably rub one Stromic RPer or another the wrong way

It’s the only one that fits, tbh. Kul Tiras might be ruled by an admiral, but calling it the Admiralty of Kul Tiras would be like Britain being the Parliamentary Monarchy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

It isn’t a dominion nor much of a union. It could be the Kul Tiran Federation / Confederation or the Kul Tiran Republic, but the name “Kul Tiran Commonwealth” is mostly just my own little reference to the historical Commonwealth of England.

Now, it’s the non-human’s turn.

Aerie Peak - Wildhammer Confederation, the union between the Aerie Peak Wildhammer Clan and the Northeron Wildhammer Clans.
Thaurissan City - Shadowforge Empire.
Rebuilt Gnomeregan - Gnomish Tinkerers’ Union / Kingdom of Gnomeregan after Gelbin is crowned King of Gnomes.
Ashes - Darnassian Realm. It’s a common motif in my headcanon for humans to be annoying bastards that don’t entirely understand the elven concept of a nation state inherently isn’t the same as theirs. Except for Dalaran. Dalaran is cool like that.
Orgrimmar - Kingdom of Durotar. Not a proper kingdom, but the orcs’ only concept of a nation state is the kingdoms of humanity and the Gorian Empire. Thus their new land, as can be interpreted from Thrall in the Founding of Durotar campaign, became their kingdom.

M*narchists would get away with this if they could.

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This is why republicanism is based.

Surely that’d be Magocracy of Dalaran?

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I would be inclined to switch these two because I think a (con)federation sounds more appropriate considering Thrall became the Lord of the Clans and not the king.

Wildhammer Union would be an alternative for the Wildhammer.

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I actually quite like the concept of Kingdoms named after their capital city because (especially in the case of humans) their kingdoms started as city-states.

Then after the Empire of Arathor ceased to be, the biggest 7 city-states increased in wealth and power, attracting more people causing them to expand outwards and thus absorbing smaller cities into their sphere of influence, ceasing to be city-states (except Dalaran) and turning into full-fledged nations.

Why not Shadowforge City - Empire of Blackrock Mountain (or Burning Steppes?)

Yuck, yuck, yuck.

I miss the times were there was no difference between the gnomes and Bronzebeard dwarves and they together were the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

Imagine if they still were, the Kingdom of Khaz Modan would span from Mechagon to Frosthold, Shadowforge to Aerie Peak. :drooling_face:


Not too far off given how Thrall was referred to as the orc king at one point. Of course, the pandaren misinterpreted Garrosh as being emperor

Dalaran is a city-state governed by a magocratic senate / the Kirin Tor.

Indeed, it does. I choose kingdom because Thrall himself refers to the new Orcish nation as a kingdom and kingdoms are the majority of the nation states the orcs have been exposed to.

i have too much OCD for it

Because they have been based in the region since before the Burning Steppes and the Blackrock Mountain existed.

now lemme tell you of the age when dagran II comes of age and reforges the high kingdom of khaz modan and everyone is left worrying whether or not he’ll choose ironforge or thaurissan / shadowforge as the new capital

Imperium Romanum.

Compromise; build Aerie Peak into a capital city. Or conquer Stormwind because as we know, dwarves are the strongest force in the eastern kingdoms.

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