Headless Horseman mount

How is it that someone gets the mount 3 times on a single charcater and someone whos running it on 6 aint seeing it?

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RNG and this:

The drop rate is definitely higher than it was in previous years. I got it twice yesterday.

Yea it is broken. I think i have gotten like 7 or 8 of them now across 4 characters.

A friend of mine got it 4 days in a row on the same char.

Bad programming imo

I’ve had the mount twice on Classic this year, I don’t have the mount on retail after 15 years. I’ve farmed the mount with the new curse bonuses every day on retail, not seen it drop again this year.

Feels like they upped the drop rate in Classic because I know a lot of people who have had it multiple times.

Not sure if it is broken, back in either WOTLK or Cata we also had a situation with people getting it on multiple chars during one event. Friend of mine had it on multiple chars in a row, on the first try, like 4-5 of them.

I didn’t luck out, dunno if it was a bug back then too or what, but it is strange.

Done the Horseman every day so far.
Either the bag is empty for frost emblems or i get a broom.and the pumpkin helmet.

Some guild mate said he found the mount 5x in a row… ive found nothing so far.

Never ever seen it drop on Classic.

Same here. Would have been nice to have in on classic but ah well. I have it on retail and have used it a lot before I got a whole bunch of rare mounts the past year, so no big deal.

Wow! That is insane. 2 times!

I just went in on 1 and only character I play, for emblems, and it dropped along with broom and head cosmetic.

But you can’t ride it in Dalaran and proto drake is cooler anyway.

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