Healer (6/8H) LF Heroic Raid Guild

Hi All,

Looking for a guild that is in need of a healer. I can be relatively flexible with raid times although something starting around 8pm GMT would be ideal and fit in with my pesky daughter’s sleeping patterns. I would favour a two day raid week and ideally not a Wednesday.

I have a Preservation Evoker and Resto Shaman @ 616 ilevel and will happily play whichever is preferable. Currently working on a Priest and Mistweaver. Logs available if that is something you want to see :slight_smile:

I have been healing since Burning Crusade and played mainly as a Disc Priest since Cataclysm in Mythic (or the equivalent). However, I have played all healers at various points throughout the last few expansions.

Whilst previously I have done Mythic raiding, this time around I would prefer to stick to an AOTC focused group. This would also better suit the amount of time I can realistically devote to playing nowadays.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Discord: a_m_h

Edit. Would prefer one of the raid days to be a weekend and the other during the week. TY.

Hello there.
My guild is looking for another consistent healer to join us for our continued progression in HC. Our goal is to hit AOTC and then maybe try some mythic bosses if we feel up to it.
BUT i am gonna digress and say that we do raid on 2 weekdays, so maybe this is not for you. We raid on Mondays and Thursdays from 20.00 to 22.30 CEST
If this would still be interesting to you, then I’d happily have a chat on discord. You can add me @ oh_its_sam
If this is not for you then i wish you good luck in finding a good guild that fits your needs.
Thank you

Hi mate.

Take a look and let me know if youre interested.

Thanks for the replies :slight_smile:

Don’t know if you have your home yet, so I’m gonna drop this:

Hello mate
I think we would be a good fit for you, we’re raiding on thursdays and sundays from 8pm to 10pm server time.
We’re still looking for a healer, we’re an AOTC focused guild with plans to dabble in the first few easier mythic bosses for vault farming

Still looking. Stepping up the search after a week on holiday.

Hi there, i think i’m making what you want, old school raiders in general, we look to clear heroic within patch. Raid Thurs and Sun at 8CET your welcome to miss raids as needed. We care more about you playing your class and just being a decent person.
We are keeping the entire team to around 20 people so it isn’t just a mess of people you don’t know like some guilds do and we can help you improve if thats something thats needed

We will probably do 1-2 normal raids over the first few weeks but a few of us have AOTC so iod don’t see that lasting long and then we’ll be doing heroic, if you want a friendly relaxed only up to heroic guild we may fit you well

Message me on Bnet and we can hace a chat leon501#2740

One and All Guild is a Casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself

we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 7:15 PM UK time Team 1
We raid Monday (one day) 7:15 PM UK Team 2 (alt and unsaved mains)
We M+ on Wednesday 7:15 PM - 3 groups and growning

we are 7/8H Guild currently for TWW Season 1

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…,.,.,……