Don’t you guys have Internet? I have never seen/experienced a worse season. I would rather sign up to be a punching bag to Jake Paul/Tyson as the brain damage would be far less than playing this garbage that you are serving us.
When you decide to unlock all healers I might queue shuffle once again. Otherwise, gonna queue that very last week. As it should be.
With monk and discs and other healer damage buff, situation for Rdruid turned to very bad to extreme… now we dont have output to heal anything, can barely keep mates alive if they rotate defensive perfectly, evry defesnive rotation fail is automatic lose.
I watch balance of this game with horror if you are not disc, hpal, or now monk game is litteraly unplayable… offcourse people are full of disrespect, defiant and full of hatred when game is so broken and when better do not win… WoW want to become respectable E-Sport right? good than GOD tiers cannot exist !
Make game where it matter how you play not what you play… your game feels 3 versus 4 if god tier is not played…
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