Healer LF chill mythic 0/+


Started playing again after my guild disbanded in the first tier. I’m looking for a chill group to run Mythic 0s and Mythic+ when it opens. I don’t mind grinding M+ later, but my main focus is—and always will be—raiding.

A few important things:

  • My Druid is 622 ilvl, so I’d prefer to start with M0 or low keys.
  • Experienced player, but still learning Resto Druid.
  • Loyal teammate—if you need to farm something specific, I’m happy to help, whether it takes 1 hour or 100 hours.
  • If you want more info, add me on Discord: Ares2977 or Battle.net: PewPewPwnage#2712.

I won’t respond on the forums since I barely check them.