Healer looking for a mythic raiding guild

Hi all,

I am looking for a guild to play with on EU. I am currently on twisted nether however I don’t see an issue transferring but it has to be for a right guild/group of people.
I am looking for a guild that does Mythic raids and dungeons and possibly some pvp. I want to play so I don’t wish to be a bench warmer.

I am currently interested in playing preferably a healer (my holy pally) or another healer (have a monk) and I don’t mind levelling up a new character if needed to better fit. I play healer (played support based characters in other MMO for 7+ years)
I raided in BFA and during my time managed to clear nyalotha on heroic as 1 of 2 healers in the groups but didn’t have people arround me or a guild to progress through into mythic.

Bit about me, i am a sort of competitive gamer who wants to progress to the best he can, i ran multiple guilds/communities in other mmos for 7+ years. I am an experienced mmo player with understanding how to take criticism and how to get better.

I don’t mind what server you are on, I am willing to move my character over as I have no ties in Twisting nether.

Contact me on discord ernziLa#2893 if you have any questions.

Hi, a lot of what you posted rings true so please reach out if this is of interest to you…

Hey we’re a new guild not sure if you’d be down for that but we did raid mythic the past raid. I’ll leave you a link, hit me up if you are interested :slight_smile: Btw we’d be on draenor

Rat Pack

Hey m8,

I am 100% sure, we can give you a good home.
Look the url and contact me