Healer looking for mythic guild


I have been out of the raiding scene for a while but I have been looking at getting back into raiding. (Just looking for that right guild)

I have played since vanilla and have played predominantly only healing classes. I have been a healing officer in 3 guilds setting up cool down rotations and general fight tactics.

Since my kids are now a bit older I have the time to raid 2-3 days a week and I am available most nights to do my dailies and grind that neck level.

Currently I have a shaman Druid and paladin at 120.

Paladin 410 ilvl neck 55
Druid 418 ilvl neck 54
Shaman newly dinged

I have played almost all tiers and successfully helped guide my old guild to world 16th 2 day a week guild for Gul’dan.

I may need a heroic run and some rng luck to get the gear ready for mythic but i am more than willing to put in the effort needed to get as ready as I can to progress on mythic bosses

If you require a paladin or Druid healer please add my bnet Atzid#2443


Hi Atzid

Will gladly add you for a chat

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