Healer role suffering in hardcore

Hello blizzard,
I am a healer only player. I only play wow because of its awesome healer gameplay, there is no healer comparable in other games with WoW healers.
The big problem here is that it is not possible to level as healer in hardcore. The reason for that is obvious to everyone, it is the dungeon lock which allows players to enter the dungeon only once per day.
I really really hate to play as dps or tank, I never play dps, kidding you not. I play a holy priest and leveling in classic is very slow and tedious, even worse as priest.
You, blizzard, entirely removed a whole ROLE from the hardcore leveling experience! HOW DARE YOU!!! SHAME ON YOU blizzard, shame on you, do you hear me? I am seriously thinking to quit playing hc and because I only play hc, as everything else is boring, I will quit whole wow.
Can you not make up a solution to repair the healer role and at the same time not to damage the social part of the game?
How about increasing the number of dungeons per day to 5. I can’t play wow 24/7. I will do my dungeons, get my exp, have my 2-3 level ups per day, go offline and log in tomorrow again. Also you don’t leave much window for boosters and gold farmers inside of dungeons and neither dungeon spammers!
What do you think blizzard and what does the community think?
I just WISH I could concentrate myself on healing than dpsing and doing stupid quests, which will make leveling for me infinitely more fun! Please!

Is there a specific reason for doing hardcore as a healer?
Quite possibly it’s not considered valid, because you are at the mercy of your team.
I think the original hardcore challenge was also solo self found.

Sure, Blizzard could remove the restriction as long as your spec qualifies.
(Tank as well, although druids would be in a funny place.)

By the way, on Anniversary there is a significant healer surplus.
(Makes sense, considering how slow it is compared to questing.)
Is there more demand on hardcore, given the restriction?

I suspect Blizzard wants you to level on your own. Delve into dungeons at higher, safer levels (when being a proper healer is of little import), mostly to finish quests.

By the way, I’m doing one dungeon a day and the session usually takes 1.5 hours.
Not saying that playing once a week but longer is invalid or unhealthy.


Troll thread detected.

I somehow think that you are just the worst kind of player.

You are a new player?!
The reason is that people, most of them literally, will stay the whole levelling experience inside of dungeons and spam them 24/7. You won’t see many players questing outside of dungeons in the real world and this hurts the social part. There won’t be any interactions between player in the outside world. This is what blizzard wants to prevent. If you don’t believe me you can go onto the NORMAL classic server. They are full of dungeon spammers SPELLCLEAVE, MELEECLEAVE. Dungeon levelling, if done correctly is much much faster than questing.

I do deadmines in like 30-40 minutes and then take a break and can do it later again or do 2 deadmines at once. Depending on how good your party is, it’s faster or slower.

Wild idea.

  • Respec Disc follwing the Holy Subspec Tree as seen here https://www.hcguides.com/specs/priest/discipline

  • Be able to heal any Dungeon you want until you hit 60 and respec for an actual High-End Dungeon / Raid Heal Spec.

  • Enjoy the probably smoothest (albeit kinda slow, I agree with that) leveling experience u can have in Hardcore WoW as long as you follow the Wand Progression listed in the Guide above

  • Use your toolkit efficiently and realize, that Priest is quite literally a A-Tier class to level in Hardcore even with 1 Dungeon Lockout per day.

I’snt HC-20-Anniversary have dual spec? Use than