Healer satchels

I see these are not available al lot of the time so healers are obviously queuing and not fussy about them.

I personally have been waiting until they show up when healing, it’s just a little extra helps buy/get some mana pots maybe a flask if lucky.

I don’t think I ever had an issue with a team running off when I have practically zero mana and spent all CD’s on last double pack the tank decided to pull while dps stood in fire the whole time.

Healing (for me) hasn’t been a very enjoyable experience so far in cata, so the satchels help negate this a little bit…how do you guys feel about healing in cata?

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Your mileage may vary.

As a tank, i always have an eye on my healer mana before pulling. But also, you don’t need to be 100% mana for every pack.

While i had some DPS getting over zealous and pulling that i have to grab, this is not that common, and i never had a group that stray too far off the tank. 95% of the time, my group is behind me, not in front.

I queue regardless of getting a satchel or not. It’s been up quite a few times, but I find the rewards to be lacking in comparison to the bags we got in WotLK. After more than a week of spamming heroic dungeons, I’ve got a total of two mana potions and one flask from them. Nothing else of importance. Better than nothing, absolutely, but it feels to be on the ungenerous side.

I have enjoyed healing the actual dungeons, though. It feels good having to think about what heal to press when, instead of just spamming mindlessly as soon as someone takes even a little bit of damage. It also feels good that you can heavily change the outcome of a bad pull or other peoples misplays, by playing well yourself. There has been quite a few instances where I alone saved the group from a corpse run.

As long as I have dailies or mat farming to do to fill the waiting time, I don’t queue as a healer because it can be stressful with all those firemaw-gogogo-tanks (best thing is when they try to skip a group and pull the whole room instead), although most are pretty relaxed by now. But those who aren’t aren’t worth the stress. Besides, I enjoy dpsing a lot more. I get the stachel at my tank all the times so I send over the useful potions and flasks.

I feel like theres a bit too much responsibility on the healer this exp.

I am a very capable healer and geared well without a raid so far but i think we have to be day care alot.

Rarely do tanks give a hoot what my mana is like and im constantly fixing laziness. People just not moving out of bad or overpulling. I am usually stressed out in dungeons especially as even a tanks life will drop rapidly if they get a bit too excited and im button mashing to try save them against a health bar that just wont stay in the good area :sweat_smile:

I dunno. Im enjoying it and also stressed out with it :rofl:

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not even getting low on mana, but I prefer not to que if there is no extra. 100g is 100g!

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