Healers immortal?

Why a backpaddling dracthyr main can tank 5 players for 2 minutes?

Like every healer seems extremely broken outside arena dampening.


I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a frustrating time.
You can kill all of the healers, including preservation. You need to make them burn through CDs while you are locking them down with CC. Eventually they will die. If the healer lived for two minutes with five of you on him then you’re probably not using cc and interrupts as well as you could be. Maybe watch some steeams of experienced pvpers in Bltz and you’ll see what you need to do. Boby streams most days.

ofc 1600 healer main defending his role

I pray you break challenger one day.

htt ps://check-pvp.fr/eu/Kazzak/Lex%C3%A9y
Nice winrate champ


It’s ridiculous. I just had a semi geared priest tank 5 dps. We blew all cooldowns and cc the crap out of him and he still wouldn’t die.


I’ve played to over 2k in RBGs and Rival in Arena buddy. That’s still low, I’m no gladiator, but I have played in BGs for years. I was just giving my point of view, not looking for a personal attack.
Best of luck in your campaign to get healers nerfed.

Healing is completely bonkers, Even a really bad healer can hold of an army of good players. It’s so unfun to hit into a brick wall for 5 minutes in bg team fights knowing either side wont die till someone ooms.

Yes i can see you 39% winrate congratz

Telling someone twice your peak xp in arena to watch other streamers to learn the game is a personal attack. Atleast hide your check pvp before you try to do that next time, So I can’t see your 30% winrate.

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Wow, you’re so angry. I was just trying to be helpful. If players lock down play, then eventually I run out of CDs and die. Five players can do that at the moment. That’s all I was saying. I’m sorry if you took it as a personal insult. It wasn’t meant that way.

And I don’t need to hide my check PvP profile. I play on hpals and prevokers. I’m a 52 year old woman with a full time job and a life outside of wow, I’m a casual.

Try to remember it’s just a game. It’s really not worth all that stress.

/Signing off


If you say so.

Be helpful to people who asked for it, you know what you did.

Well proud of you atleast for playing pvp, unlike those cowards who kill dragons all day.


I don’t think it’s fair to put all healers in the same bucket.
Hpal, mw and rdruid is not going to “tank” anymore than 2 decent dps players.

I guess maybe shaman can if you ignore his totems…

So maybe disc can, and evoker?

Dragons are OP. Btw Lexèy did give proper advice. Healer most likely had def cds available, max geared and dps killing healer was noobs and low geared :d
Somehow running BG”s with my mate two of us manage to take out healers, if no other healer healing. Meanwhile rest of the group killing tank .

this might be why pvp is feeling so long and dragged out

in arena its easily 5minute games on average

it was 2min on average last expac

Love how the thread went straight to rating bashing in exactly 2 posts. PvP forums as per usual lmao.


Remove stamina bonus from PvP trinket, healers no longer need it (it was introduced in DF to help healers deal with fast paced burst damage)

I manage to solo healers really really fast with my aff warlock.
Thats because affli is nuts broken though and it makes sense.

I even met with some very big names in bg some days ago like cocojones who is lontar , and i got him dead in like 10 seconds.

Tuned to his stream and he was saying how broken affli is . Which is true…
But yeah , healer is way 2 strong atm , and affli aint a way its gonna stay like that.

Also ive noticed most of the times we get evaporated lossing in a bg , is because healer diff… Its almost always never a dmg issue.
2 Healers can carry every single win free.
2 good healers ? Ye… Forget it.

To conclude , i doubt they gonna nerf them.

healing bgs blow even more than shuffle the dps que will be min 1 hour^

My problem with retail is that resources don’t matter anymore. Or they do but not as extensively they do for example in Cata. There is no room to breathe.

normally yes, you need to cc well and burn through burst healing, in arenas. Though if in a bg 5 dpses are freely bursting on one person they should die. I mained a prevoker in df, and will keep doing so in tww as my main healers, and it feels absurd that I can tank several players.

Obsidian scales>silence immunuity
Hover>Slow immunity
2 long breaths that lets you travel and tp back, making you immunue to cc as you move
emerald communion is USABLE in stuns, and can practically keep you alive
You can burst TWICE with time stasis skill by storing your heals
also insane mobility with the combination of, 3 hovers, 1 rescue, and 1 verdant embrace

IF they legit don’t keep me in a CONSTANT stun lock at a moment where I did not have my trinkets or emerald communion I do die, fairly quickly, but at that point it is neither fun for me, as I rather play the game…but also probably not fun for the average player in the CASUAL bg to see their hits doing nothing on a healer till they run out mana, or get locked in cc by sheer luck


Seems like evoker got both the tools and the numbers currently

I just had someone die in 3v3 during a cheap shot from 100% hp. So… Do more damage?

Tbf I think I can do that on my Evoker only vs 5 bad players. But I think it’s out of question that Evoker is a bit overtuned right now. Other healers can’t really do that, maybe a Rsham and Oracle Disc with a bit of help?
On my Rdruid on the other hand, I can tank pretty much everything semi afk lmao