Healers need some rating gains in 6-0 dps games

With my calculations there are a shortage of 900 healers at 2.4 due to most healing specs being weaker than disc/rdruid, I’m sure if they get buffed people who mained them will come back?

to be fair when i play dps i rarely see any 6:0 lobbys ever but the second i play healer i get five of these lobbys in a row.

While obviously there often is a weak link i have the feeling most of these 3:3 games i could have done some stuff better to get the 4:2 or even 5:1.
Obviously its frustrating to play 6 rounds and dont get any rating but atleast i can que again instantly haha

giving rating for 3:3 is no solution.

Do you guys encounter 6-0’s often? I see it happening maybe 1/10 or 1/8 games at most. Most of the time, even if 1 dps is heavily carrying or it’s a massive healer diffy lobby, someone, somehow sneaks a win in against the dominating player, so I don’t believe this to be a big issue tbh.

Also, most often when I see a 6-0 happening, it’s a healer diffy, rarely it’s the dps going 6-0, at least from my experience.

there is weak link and strong link scenarios, healers are there only to make good dps climb or bad dps to drop
healing is so weak that healers have no chance to change outcomes that much and that is why healers do not play
want healing “balanced” and healers playing - give rating in 6-0 0-6 or enjoy 40 min q

Doesn’t change the fact that going equal isn’t the same as winning, so it shouldn’t give rating. If they do actually change that, they have to do the same for dps just to be fair and we are back at square 1. Handing out free rating points is not how you get more healers to queue.

That’s how you could argue, if they left the well performing healer specs alone. In reality, they just nerfed Disc twice and will nerf Druid with 10.0.7, so the number of players for the top 2 healer specs will drop, while those for buffed specs go up. Overall it’ll most likely be a 0 sum.

The changes they are doing (at least up to and including 10.0.7) aren’t increasing the overall population of healers in Shuffle at all, they are just shifting the numbers between the different healer specs.

I’m sure the 1400cr players you heal are really sad now that you are not queueing healer anymore🤡

healers are not playing enough at any rating
it is not fun to have little impact on outcome


If as a healer you have little to no impact on the outcome then how are healers playing at 3.4cr ?

Are you saying that they just played enough rounds and it’s all basically luck?

it happens alot on low rating, i have people who reply to me “sry wasnt paying attention was txting with wife” if i ask how come didnt go the same guy with us :smiley:

also people tend to die alot on u either as dps or heal they just die on ur team without press single button or they went some weird positions trying line our healer

ive never lost a round without gone trough my every cd as heal/dps but i see it constantly on the 0/6 ppl that they either played solo in some weird position with weird prio or they just never press any button and die, it happens alot

40min wait to gain blade’s edge and mw just dies 2 rounds after gates open then he leaves so some ppl his team just get 2 losses from their 40min wait and can go back wait next

i rly want back playing 2s now :man_facepalming:

see this is where i disagree or why are there healers at 1500 and some healers at 3000 rating if they have no chance to change the outcome?

no solution. This would incentivize wintrading and also inflate healer ratings alot. You cant give someone a reward for drawing a game.

tbh i had like one que over 40 min in this whole season. Most ques are 5-30 Minutes for me maybe its because i play boomy idk

Then enjoy your 90min+ ques :grin::v:


im already furiated on 40min ques, i cant enjoy this :japanese_goblin:

blizzard did us dirty

you have no idea what you are talking about, try creating fresh NA account and start from 1000 and see how little impact you have on the outcome

Top 10 mistweaver ladder consists of 3 players: Bank 6 chars, Nstea 2 chars, Orbre 2 chars.
How many more characters does bank have to push in order to prove, that you are completely in control of your own rating, even as a healer and do not rely on any luck?

For every round you loose, where you had 0 chance to impact the outcome, sooner or later you are gonna win one, where the enemy ran into the same issue. Either way, it’s gonna be far less than 50% of all the games you play, where that’s even gonna be the case, so if you just win all the games, where you have impact on the outcome, you will be climbing, even if you get griefed a few times along the way.

I can guarantee you that if a r1 healer made a fresh acc on NA, they would not be stuck on low cr. Low cr lobbies are very very easy to influence. Players on those ratings do so many mistakes it’s crazy, you guys just don’t see it because you don’t know any better… If you knew, you wouldn’t make those mistakes in the first place and not be playing on those ratings.

Everyone who is considered to be a good player climbed the shuffle ladder without any issues and it’s always the same people, that also dominate the other pvp brackets, for good reason and that’s a fact.

that is unless you play holy pala because then you will end up in the asylum, get a heartattack, or a perma ban before you get there

3-3 means you won same % as you lost. Why should you get any rating for 0 result?

never had a que even close to 90 mins :slight_smile:

what has NA to do with that lol?

Healer is easier to climb on than dps because of the queue times you go 3-3 a lot ye but you can get in 2-3 games before a dps player even gets 1 game in.

Problem with heals is FOTM matters a lot more so currently if you play fistweaver you just climb for free there is not as much variety as dps have you most likely will always get a fotm in the game.

Healers are not even weak its just some are completely broken or completely counter the others.

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