okay seriously some eithers nerfs or simply more anti haeling spells need to be given cause what the hell i am so sick of people being down to oh other group got more healers well they auto win gg lul even in world pvp it comes down does the group you fight have healers they do? well you screwed like why is it healing is so god damn powerfull like you can have multiple people attack a person and yet 1 healer can out heal what 5 peoples worth of damage more? like… how…??? it makes no sense
I am in the same boat.
I see a healer - I attack him only to see that his HP bar is literally not moving at all.
Ok, he is very strong player ( read Blizz made his spec OP ).
I will switch targets . Well now this guy heals my new target and I can’t get a kill at all. It’s like I attack target dummy with infinite health ?
What was the desing here ? Do they want us to attack healer or not ?
My class have one fear on 1.5 min CD that people just break so CC is not an option. I play with maledict but it’s not enough to even scratch them.
I imagine how the player playing the healer class feels good about himself, having chosen a spec that the designers made immortal but from the other point of view - this is really BAD gameplay.
PvP feels absolutely broken right now, I never played a Warrior that can’t even do damage, let alone anything else. I just don’t understand. They left my class with the only option to do damage, yet my damage can’t kill anything. Playing a game and feeling useless … yeah I don’t think this will end well.
Unless you are a god mode resto druid that can escape any slow and root AND once you get him he pop tree form and everything is instant.
Have fun.
Yesterday I was trying to kill a resto druid for an hour thanks to dumb tree form and bear ( tank ) form.
Don’t worry guys, this is only beta for the patch. In few months they will realize how to balance it only to introduce a new patch that breaks everything.
Why not get it right the first time blizz? Where is the patch polish ?
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