Healing and Tanking in DPS Gear?

Im playing ret right now but I want to try out tanking again and even healing.

I won’t tank and heal high m+ but I want to try it in raids.

Is it a must to have the right gear for tank and healer or will it work just fine with ret gear?

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You’ll kinda have to have a 1h + shield, and probably tank-y trinkets at least. You won’t be able to tank with a 2-hander as prot pally.

Also. Secondary stats make a relatively big impact on how a spec performs. But yes. You can just respec and use the same gear. As op said tho obviously change trinkets and 1h / shield

When it comes to stat weights the difference between Ret/Holy/Prot aint that different at the moment in the game unless you play a more caster focused holy spec than its completely different but I don’t really feel that the caster variant of Holy is viable atm. But with a good Haste/Versa or Mastery setup your pretty much set for both PvP and PvE with all three specs.

Most important for Prot is 20% haste after that its just a mixture of Versa/Mastery for survival, Crit is bad unless you just want a damage boost.

Its only the weapons/shields/trinkets you need to look into. But tbh alot of the damage oriented trinkets works just fine for prot. I myself is using Inscrutable Quantum Device together with Stone Legion Heraldry most of the time which are two excellent trinkets for damage aswell. Swapping IQD with the Sire Trinket if I feel I need the extra defensive power it adds.

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so long as you have the correct weapons and int trinkets (it dosent matter what trinkets if you are just dabbleing in the spec, the int is the important part) then your gear will be fine for holy

holys stat weights are relatively close together but loosely speaking

raid haste >mastery = versi > crit
m+ haste > crit > versi > mastery

however the current advice is not to sacrifice too much in the way of i level for the correct stats. raw int is worth around 2.5 times the value of the most valuable secondary

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