Healing Evoker

Can someone do something about this preservation evoker?
I am sleeping entire bloody fight. flying all accross the map. Damaging, stunning. I mean they are better ccing than a rog. who’s idea was bringing this lame class to this game?

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They gotta remove that immunity to crowd control pvp talent from prev evokers. They do not need it.


Not every prevoker plays arenas, so big no.

Still don’t need it haha

Evokers are unlike other healing classes due to their short range, they need to jump in so of course they need something to protect them from an incoming CC, this is why high-skilled players have no issue with it because they know how to remove it very fast. Shamans, Mages, and Priests can remove the shroud.
OP is exaggerating comparing rogues to evokers.


Don’t forget that they also basically don’t have spammable healing, most of it comes from setups and these are reliant on rng luck with essence burst procs.

Absterg doesnt remove it very fast… wins 2 rounds, 1 because dragon dc’ed…

on the 4 rounds he actually does manage to get it off, he only wins 1. first 2 rounds he doesnt get a stack off casue you know trash buffs…

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Yes most people are like ‘’ just purge the shroud bro ‘’ ‘’ just purge alter bro… ‘’ etc… But they don’t realize it’s actually useless and close to impossible cause of 10 thousand crap buff proccing from everywhere.

Sp used to be insane in sl cause you basically get purge for free but now it’s not worth it cause you oom and never get the thing you want to (only purge when kicked).

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Yes, sure, tons of buff comes and goes, however, stuns and any form of physical cc, including a lousy war stomp, can break an effect. If people don’t know how to deal with shroud, it isn’t an evoker issue, isn’t it?

Ribbit 10char

Against spec/comp that got spammable cc it’s not an issue at all but other spec need to waste their cc to remove it, and still the CD is pretty low so the guy is very hard to cc if he is not bad.

Idk with trinket being 1m30 it’s not needed, or the duration should be reduce.

Don’t worry mage casts cannot be grounded anymore, Preservation isn’t actually not that hard to counter but FROST MAGE IS!