Healing nerf when pvping

so if you’d guys be so kind and oh i dunno give any spec or litterly healing in general like a …90%? ish healing nerf when it comes to pvp that would be great thx get on it


Feral needs self heal, so no thx.

I beg to differ!

Now stand still like a good little kitty and let me skin you… :skull:

I will stand still beside this cliff.

Good. Then I shall grip you to me and we shall dance with oblivion together…

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Darnit! :slight_smile:

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rogue & warrior too plz, or atleast give thorns/karma to all melee dps xoxox

No no no no no.

you cant still kick healers?

I do agree on this, PvP was a lot more fun before the insane amount of self healing etc came into the game more and more in the later years. Combining that with the increased output from the healers themselves as well has cause the pvp aspect of the game to become very boring, usually takes quite a lot of time to kill something, and from time to time there are just fights where none can actually kill eachother due to the self healing… Had a shadowpriest friend of mine that were fighting a feral druid a few weeks ago, fighting for several minutes, none of them could kill eachother because of the amount of self healing, so the fight ended when they both just gave up on trying anymore and walked away instead.

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Oh Its the weekend.
Here is something from me… Nerf arms warrior selfhealing. Its too strong. They heal like holy paladins with wings on.

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