Healing numbers missing

Hello guys im using elvui and when i heal myself a cant see numbers. When i heal another player its ok.

I deleted WTF folder, trying to type some console stuff( this helped me in past but doesnt now), making new profile in elvui…nothing.

Since there arent any addons for healing numbers as are for dmg im sad person

Any ideas? Thanks

It’s a default game setting under interface > combat > Scrolling Combat Text for Self

I find myself having to turn it on at least once a week though, it keeps turning off.

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EvlUI has so many weird thigns with it I find it better to steer clear and use just blizzard stuff with a HealComms and shadow unitframes…

If this help you are my hero dude

Im used to it and i have only this addon and skada…im annyoed having 20 addons so i like elvui a lot.

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