Heals Corruptions and Deadly Momentum only for DPS

Hi, i’m a healer and this is the 3rd time i drop an item with the Crit Proc only with CRITICAL HITS and not heals, 2 times in weekly chest. This corruption is really really USELESS if my focus to use it is to apply flame shock everytime, some lava burst procs and pray the gods.
This patch 8.3 is only DPS focussing and all corruptions are for DPS. I know that Healers now has to help DPSing but you totally forgot the Healing in entire Patch.
Especially doing M+ at high levels where the mobs and obelisks hit like Trucks.
In a +15 how do you expect the Healers can help doing damage?
In this week i hope You can change something to help us.
I’m a bit demoralized on doing high level keys right now.

Regards and sorry for my bad English

Uhm. Your heals can crit, no? That’s a critical hit, even if it is on a friendly target, and is a heal.

(Deadly Momentum is still bad, though, but not as bad as you paint it.)

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It doesn’t proc with Healing, i tried a lot, raid, m+, training dummy.
Even if it’s bad i will use it, but it has to change

I stand corrected, then.

Corruption seems to be entirely designed around DPS. And all healers get is the ability to do more DPS. Which yes, can be useful, but isn’t our primary role. And I don’t think corruption even works with disc priest atonement (could be wrong on this) so it doesn’t even work for healers who’s role is to do damage…

Because healing doesn’t matter. It’s all about big numbers.

How about “for every x healing you do, the party/ raid member who took the most damage in the last 5 seconds gains an absorb shield for x*0.1”.

That would be a nice corruption for healers, wouldn’t it. Boring? Yes. Useful? Also yes.

I’d prefer something like Nature’s Vigil or Avenging Light :smiley:

my warlock got lady waycrest music box, same as week before :joy:
Yinke got sh**ty trinket as well, but at least 475 azerite chest wasn’t as bad as i thought it would. My priest got same boots she had but with 10 ilvls higher and +6% versality from all sources, well still upgrade of sort :wink:

It is working for heal. I was using it on Mytic raid yesterday 95% up time.

This is false information: Your uptime proves nothing regarding if it works on healing abilities or not, and so far there’s quite a lot of evidance pointing towards the OP being correct in saying that it does not work on healing abilities. I, and many others, have tested it quite thoroughly.

Edit: It does indeed proc on heals afterall. But it requires you to be in combat.

corruption is purely focused on melee dps, always was.
infinite stars can proc off healing (imagine my amazement at that) and the rest is stuff like crit/haste % increase etc. Even the one that creates a twisting pillar has a max range, so not that good for ranged dps.
wheres my extra healing or gifting a shield or something, even something that increases mana regen? nowhere to be seen, cos im not a rogue or dps warrior.

As always, blizz sucks up to melee dps and damns everyone else … sighs

I think it’s because you need to word it very carefully to “your healing spells that may affect other targets have a chance to…” To stop sustain DPS abusing the corruption. Same for passively proccing heals a la TD as these would be ridiculous on certain tanks or in PvP in general.

Some ideas I’ve speculated, not saying numbers are balanced at all.

Swirling Shadows
Your healing spells that may affect other targets have a chance to grant you Swirling Shadows. Swirling Shadows empowers your next Quick Heal used within 6 secs, causing it to be increased by 125/250/375% but instead place an absorption shield on the target lasting 5 secs instead of healing. Can store up to 2 charges.

Void Ribbon
Your healing spells that may affect other targets have a chance to create an explosion of Void around the target, granting them and up to 2 allies within 8 yds Void Ribbon. Void Ribbon causes the target to be healed for 8/16/24% of all damage they deal, lasting 8 sec. For each target currently affected by Void Ribbon, you gain 4/7/10% Leech.

Entropic Feedback
Your healing spells that may affect other targets have a chance to cloak the target in Void energies, reducing all damage they take by 5/10/15% for 5 sec. When the effect ends the Feedback shatters, dealing damage equal to the amount prevented divided amongst all targets within 8 yds.

Vital Sipher
Your healing spells that may affect other targets have a chance to draw on your life energy, causing you to take Shadow Damage equal to 2/4/6% of your maximum health and healing the target for an amount equal to 200% of the damage you take. This effect has its chance to occur increased the higher your health is, and the lower the targets is. Cannot proc on your own heals on yourself.

Corruptions are just a repeat of useless benthic gear. There were a total of 0 benthic affixes mattered to healers as they provided nothing in terms of hps, throughput or utility. Now we have corruptions doing the same thing.

I kind of hoped that corruptions would have more focus on hps or at least proccing from healing. At this point the base stat increase corruptions provide far more use than any of the ‘overpowered’ corruptions do

I’ll take all those haste% corruptions over any shield or heal procs, thank you. Over mana regen too. For Mistweaver, the haste corruptions (both the Expedient and Racing Pulse) are amazing, and they improve our healing by a lot. Much more so than any proc would, and they do so reliably. (They also improve our DPS too, yay!)

From a mistweaver point of view, this is almost useless. With high haste, a significant portion of my healing will come from HoTs, not the quick heal. The absorb is also kinda meh - I will need to heal the same target anyway. It’ might be fine in raid where other healers will heal the target too, but in M+, it’s not very useful. I mean, yeah, I could shield one target and heal another before topping the first off, but… I can just Enveloping Mist one, and Vivify another. Since I will have Renew ticking, Vivify will cleave, problem solved. Yes, it heals less than what the shield would absorb, but these tools are always available. I can plan with them.

I can’t plan with a proc. It would only be useful if it procced at just the right time. RNG hates us, so it would do like my TD3 does: proc at the last second of the fight, always.

Now, this sounds nice, but… I still wouldn’t trade my haste corruptions for it. Haste, again, gives me a consistent, reliable improvement for my healing.

By targets, you mean hostile targets, or players? If players, no thanks, that’s a melee killer. If targets… eh? I have to heal them a tiny bit less for 5 sec and get a marginal DPS increase. I normally leave my HoTs do a lot of the work anyway, so that damage reduction wouldn’t really make a difference in an M+ for me.

This would be lovely on Grievous weeks. Or bursting. I’d pass, thanks.

I dunno about other healer classes, but for mistweavers, there are two very strong corruptions: Expedient (haste%) and Racing Pulse (haste proc). Glimpse of Clarity ain’t terrible either.

To be honest, that’s ok. It’s fine if DPS is inconsistent, if you can’t always control when the Big Guns proc. Unless all targets are dead, it will be useful. For healing, you kinda want to be in control. Shield and healing procs aren’t all that great, because you can’t plan around them. They’re useful, yes, but they’d never be as OP as the DPS corruptions, because doing damage and healing requires different things.

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