Health numbers aren't available anymore?

After this week’s maintenance, I found out that the health numbers on the health bars are no longer visible permanently. You have to mouse over them to see. Is there any solution/command to make them visible permanently again?
Thank you.


I would love to know this too. This better not be a “working as intended” thing and I hope it’s a bug of some sort. I spent ages yesterday trying to see if something had happened with my settings to no avail.

In a BG, understanding a health pool as visibly as possible is really important (e.g. run away from something with twice your HP lol). This better not be a permanent thing and it better be fixable!


P.S. Solution is found: go to “Options” - “Interface” - “Display” - “Status Text”. Click “None” and then choose the desired option back. Profit!

P.S.S. I have no idea how to close the topic…


Say something racist or wait 30 Days. I’d recommend the second option though, slower but less impactful to your account…


LOL)))))) I guess, I will choose the 2nd option :man_shrugging:


I was having this same issue and was struggling to find the option to re-enable it, thanks for posting the solution and glad you got it resolved! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Have noticed this same issue and yes you can change them back, but i have also now worked out that the moment you log into Plunderstorm and then back into wow it happens again, getting pissed off with the chat box settings as well, i have a separate window for raid/party/guild chat and it keeps putting trade general etc in that window even tho i keep unticking them every bloody day!! and also with the plunderstorm bug is target of target keeps going and have to keep reselecting it. keeps it up and ill just cancel sub untill plunderstorm has finished!!

Macro fix for broken settings:

/run SetCVar("showTutorials","0")
/run SetCVar("statusTextDisplay","BOTH")
/run SetCVar("showTargetOfTarget","1")
/run SetCVar("statusText","1")


/console showTutorials 0
/console statusTextDisplay BOTH
/console showTargetOfTarget 1
/console statusText 1

Addon fix for the channel spam:

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If it becomes another food/hangout topic it could close in 5-6 months, it wouldn’t be the first time it happens with a random thread. :eyes:

30 days would be quicker than waiting for mod action.

Patch broke many stuff made in options. Worst patch ever in DF sofar.

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