Hearthstone Theme Played Live (Orchestra version)

Hey folks,

Me and the whole orchestra love music from Blizzard games. We played multiple times music from Warcraft and also Hearthstone. Here is one video from our concert. Hopefully, we will be able to play more, also from Diablo, Starcraft, and Overwatch.


My personal note: It’s very sad how insanely hard or most of the time it’s impossible to get the sheet music (original or original arrangement) for the music, especially in the game department. I hope this will get better, but I am sad that the suits don’t see how much this is requested, how many arrangements (which are the most of the time bad or imcomplete, but it’s awesome that people do them and thank you, big thank you for the good arrangements)) there is and how much money (because that’s what they care the most) they are loosing. The worst part is, the composers want their music to be played. I never understand this and makes me sad, because there is so much awesome music that sits in someone’s drawer or is played once on some event that’s it. It’s bad and silly decision in movies, tv and gaming not to have every sheet music available.

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