So the Heartseeking Health Injector is described in the item tooltip as healing you instantly for an amount, which is then followed by a DoT. Upon use, the tinker actually does a totally different thing, it gives you the DoT first which lasts for fifteen seconds. After the DoT has expired (so fifteen seconds later) it then heals you.
In terms of gameplay, this is clearly very different to what is described in the item tooltip and makes a huge difference to how useful the item is. In combat, I don’t want to wait fifteen seconds before being healed. It’s close to useless.
So whats the deal the here? Which is it supposed to be? Is the tooltip wrong or is the way it works wrong? Hopefully the latter, and hopefully it gets fixed soon!
Hi. Most of the time, I get the heal the second i use the health injector, and then have the debuff. But there has been quite a few times where I just get the debuff and dont get the health injector heal and die before the DoT finishes. Could this be an intended tinker malfunction? That you heal after the DoT, instead of before. (I have the Complicated fuse box with the health injector, but it still happens)
it almost always heals me instantly. I would say out of 10 uses, maybe 1 or 2 might not be instant heals. Most of the time for me the second i click it it is instant heal with DoT starting same time, but sometimes I dont get a heal and die to npc’s / the DoT. Do you have a safety component with yours? like the Complicated Fuse Box.