Heirlooms "Too Busy"

The Heirloom system is just… too “Busy”.

What I mean by that is, there is way too much going on with it and it begs the question, why?

There’s so many different pieces of gear and then there’s so many additional incremental level increases requiring gold/timewalking tokens etc…

I would revert it back to + X% bonus experience - I don’t want to leave my character resting, I want to play it. I want the buff to get to 80 ASAP. The levelling is already quick enough so you skip the quest content so it literally renders the restriction/change in the xp bonus on heirloom items, pointless.

Personally I’d go for the following:

2 Set Bonus: +5% Bonus XP + Hearthstone cooldown reduced 50%
4 Set Bonus +15% Bonus XP + Recovery Rate increase while outdoors
6 Set Bonus + 25% Bonus XP + Rested XP consumption rate decrease 30%
8 Set Bonus + 30% Bonus XP + Free Teleport to any portal location (within tiered level).

Make them useful and make them accessible so people can just level and enjoy the game without having to spend gold just to gain 5 extra levels which can be obtained in one dungeon.

It’s 18.5k gold to upgrade armours from 29-70
10 Items altogether 185k gold
It’s 27.5k gold to upgrade a weapon from 29-70

Over 200k gold to get a full working heirloom set and only to level 70.

My other thought on changes:

Initial Item 0-30 - 500g Total to upgrade 8 piece: 4000g
Upgrade: 0-60 - 1000g Total to upgrade 8 piece: 8000g
Upgrade: 0-70 - 2000g Total to upgrade 8 piece: 16000g
Upgrade: 0-80 -3000g Total to upgrade 8 piece: 24000g - Only accessible upon obtaining a level 80 character

Total cost 52,000 gold. If you wanted to do that for every character then it’s still pricy but much less impactful.

In the most simplest way to describe heirlooms, they feel like bloatware.

Just my 50pence input.

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heirlooms are tragedy right now
im waiting for another remake of them before i touch them
i dont advice touching them but if you must make yourself only

haste trinket / manari amulet / fleet ring / fishing ring / horde-ally cloak
and ewentually 2 handed sword and staff

these are universal and fit most alts ;p

Heirlooms used to scale “1-[current max]” without paying anything beyond the initial purchase. Heirlooms used to give xp-bonus.

I can live without the latter, but I am angry they removed the former.

You should not have to pay (gold, time, OR money) to actually use something you’ve bought, we have enough of the irl already.

Maybe for next expansion cause I doubt they will put exp gained back on it while we also have the achi for leveling alts that also gives an exp bonus in the same range (+25% maxed out) but otherwise yeah I agree

Just give us one item to upgrade heirlooms to max level of the previous most recent expansion regardless of where the levels are at. They also scale at lower ilvl then the gear a pandaria character received at level 70 so its not like theyre that powerful anymore either.

Heirlooms existed to speed up the levelling process when it used to take months. Nowadays levelling is a matter of 1-2 weeks.

To make them “useful” again, there are 3 options:

  • Make levelling slow again so that they regain their initial purpose. Highly unlikely
  • Let them speed up the levelling process even more. This will break other parts of the game and it’s not one I’d like them to do.
  • Repurpose them for some other reward that is enough to entice players to want to create alts and level them with heirlooms. That’s what I’d like to see.

You do know that the upgrade is account wide, right? :sweat_smile:

But I think that whole upgrade stuff has got to go. Consolidate the items into one and just update those every time new levels are added. More and more items to buy makes it all very clumsy and overwhelming to use.

It can still be a gold sink if that’s what they want, just don’t make me spend 9x something. and then multiple times for every higher level range. Just have the items be super expensive and you always buy the complete and most up-to-date item.

As for the bonus: I don’t really have any strong feelings either way.

After they removed the xp gain on heirlooms I’ve only upgraded a few via in game currencies (not gold).

I would love the xp gain back. Leveling doesn’t excite me, having done it all many times. I appreciate others may want a slower experience and a slow down xp tabard could be introduced instead. But plenty just want to get levelling done ASAP.

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