Hellfire to Blasted Lands - Portal Not Functioning?

So for some time now, the Dark Portal from Hellfire Peninsula into Blasted Lands has not been functioning. Did I miss something, or is this a bug/deliberate? I understand the Zidormi function elsewhere, but from within Outland the Dark Portal just doesn’t work, instead you’ve just got small portals to Capitols.

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I tried this the other day and got the same result. I assumed this is one of those undocumented changes. It’s annoying but I ended up taking the flight path there.

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I believe 'tis a deliberate change, as the Dark Portal now leads into the alternate Draenor.

It’s been like that before too, seems to be WAI unfortunately.

its like a :stars: wall :star: . i also was stuck there…

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Damn, thought so. Just irritating as the mage in Org doesn’t provide a portal to Blasted Lands all the time. Oh well, shouldn’t complain in this age of convenience in WoW, lol.

The portal direction Hellfire -> Blasted Lands is indeed not working. However, when I quested through Hellfire Peninsula six months ago, I did also explored the portal itself just to see if it actually was working. Which it wasn’t, I thought, but still I suddenly got ported to Blasted Land - and the WoD-phase. I immediately turned around and went trough the portal again - and got transported to Tanaan.
So yes, a random glitch thing on Hellfire but working as intended on Blasted Lands.


thought alliance can still speak to the honor hold mage to be ported to blasted lands

the horde npc does not

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